- Why is it so hard to buy things that work well?
I think the short answer is capitalism... here's a more detailed and nuanced answer
- Data Driven Products Now!
I really like the "We should be data driven. This is data. Therefore, we should be driven by this" slide
- Inside the War Against Headlight Brightness
I was literally just complaining about headlights being too bright the other day
- South Koreans adopted as babies are discovering lies from their past
This is heartbreaking
- NYC Bodega Art
- Dear the ones I’m leaving behind
- The Existential Necessity of Midlife Change
- Growing beyond the computer
Interesting career transition story
- Decaf Coffee Deep Dive
Decaf coffee actually tastes really good these days! Some interesting science and process stuff described here
- The Collapse of Self-Worth in the Digital Age
"What we hardly talk about is how we’ve reorganized not just industrial activity but any activity to be capturable by computer, a radical expansion of what can be mined." Thea Lim muses on capitalism, technology, digital tracking, and the value (capital and otherwise) of art
- Asian Food Dictionary
I love this concept! Hope to see the dictionary grow
- How to Monetize a Blog
- Have we forgotten how to build ethical things for the web?
Reflections on the arcane art of making good, ethical websites
- How do archivists package things? The battle of the boxes | Peeling the Past
- The Art of Finishing
"In our professional lives, deadlines force us to prioritize and make pragmatic decisions. But in personal projects, the luxury of unlimited time can become a curse, allowing us to justify spending hours, days, or even weeks on minor details that, in reality, make little difference to the project’s overall success or usefulness."
- Hope for the web
James says: "Every personal website is a glimmer of hope, a metaphorical star in the sky that shows how wonderful the web can be."
- NYC's food delivery workers are sweltering in the heat — and demanding more protection
I noticed that the photos in this article were taken in Park Slope, where the average home value is somewhere around $1.5 million...
- your website is not a brochure
- Noble Signs
Some of the best signs in Brooklyn (and Manhattan)!
- How to Enter the State of 'Soft Fascination' and Ultimate Healing
I learned about this concept of soft fascination (as in when you are in nature and are not intensely focused on any single thing, but hearing a bubbling creek or a seeing tree branch waving in the wind gently asks for your attention for a moment) and have been... fascinated to learn more
- The Nostalgia Alphabet
Thibaut Crepelle uses Plasticity to render 26 (real and imagined) products from the past few decades. Amazing! via Chris Glass
- Who Goes Nazi? by Dorothy Thompson
"Were he primitive and brutal he would be a criminal—a murderer. But he is subtle and cruel. He would rise high in a Nazi regime. It would need men just like him—intellectual and ruthless."
- Things Unexpectedly Named After People
"MySQL is named after co-founder Monty Widenius's daughter, My." Whaat?!
- Cool URLs Mean Something
Half of all links will be dead in 7 years, which is sad, but I wonder if this is just how history works (whatever stands the test of time becomes history, and it's up to us to make sure it's the truth)
- Tourists go home – Erica Fustero
Parts of our neighborhood in Brooklyn are very touristy, so this resonates (including how it's easy to blame tourists themselves but local politics plays a big part)
- Carrete 07/2024 – Erica Fustero
I love the "slice of life" vibe of Erica's photo diary
- She Made $10,000 a Month Defrauding Apps like Uber and Instacart. Meet the Queen of the Rideshare Mafia
Fascinating profile
- It's Getting Harder to Die
- The City I Want to Live In
- What happened when British GQ stopped trying to "feed the algorithm"
“...we really made a conscious decision to slow things down, not necessarily feed the news cycle... we try and think about where we can add to the conversation... we’re not just about headlines. It’s like, how are we moving the story on and what else are we bringing to the table?” More of this, please!
- Just say “no” to weird group selfie angles
I’m usually too shy to ask, so I always feel grateful when a stranger offers to take my picture (whether I’m in a group or solo)!
- "Mad Max is Sidelined in His Own Movie," and Why Patently Wrong Ideas Never Die
"The whole point of the movie is that feminist victory does not come from the replacement of men or the marginalization of men but from a rejection of dictatorship and an embrace of democracy, horizontal leadership, and communal values"
- We’ve Hit Peak Denial. Here’s Why We Can’t Turn Away From Reality
"We think we no longer have a problem, when actually we’ve just changed the standard by which we deem something concerning."
- Disdain for AI
- [pdf] How do you use the internet mindfully?
- nightfall.city
- For tech CEOs, the dystopia is the point
- r/BenignExistence/
I've enjoyed perusing this subreddit lately
- The Pleasure x Effort Matrix – Syllabus
- The Fediverse of Things
I learned that every tree in Melbourne has an email address, among other things! via Piper Haywood
- The Architecture of Silence.
post web silence
- Pet rock user manual
- When Do We Stop Finding New Music? A Statistical Analysis
According to the data cited in this article, our music tastes stagnate around age 33 — this was an interesting read that made me feel a little less Eeyore about not being as into discovering new music in middle age
- Heat Death of the Internet
via Chris Glass
- This is a teenager
Fascinating visual essay by Alvin Chang on pudding.cool on the results of a 24-year longitudinal study following Americans who were teenagers in 1997
- This used bookstore on the Lower East Side takes book donations in exchange for pickles
via @raccoonformality@tech.lgbt (what a handle) on Mastodon
- citymeetings.nyc
A tool that uses LLMs to help you find key useful information from city council meetings! Very cool and practical application of AI that could really help with civic engagement
- Why Does Steam Float Over the Streets of Manhattan?
I learned something!
- End of the Internet
This made me chuckle
- 32bit.cafe Community Code Jam #3
Ela answers the question "What has creating a website done for you?" with an interactive and personal story. This is how my browsing and meandering often feels, too
- On Eggs by Laurel Schwulst
A meditation on eggs, in art and design
- Make better documents.
- An introduction to Hangeul, the Korean alphabet
A nice series of articles on the Korean alphabet which basically compares King Sejong to a UX designer :)
- The Staggering Ecological Impacts of Computation and the Cloud
“To get at the matter of the Cloud we must unravel the coils of coaxial cables, fiber optic tubes, cellular towers, air conditioners, power distribution units, transformers, water pipes, computer servers, and more.”
- I miss human curation
- Design Reviewed
“Design Reviewed is a personal project dedicated to digitally preserving graphic design history and documenting the vast visual culture from the last century.”
- The first walkable city in America in a century
- Stop postponing things by embracing the mess
- Training Attention | Chuck Carroll
- life breadcrumbs
“I still get nervous when writing online. The thought of someone I know irl, stumbling across my blog and reading the details of my inner world still unnerves...”
- In Loving Memory of Square Checkbox
History of checkboxes and radio buttons in user interfaces
- So you've decided to get into mechanical keyboards
- Humans rarely need to make business decisions on real-time data
Who knew Bellroy has a great and insightful tech blog? I have a small Bellroy satchel and assumed they were mostly focused on physical products. Neat find.
- 2023 Was The Year of the Rebrand: Why Companies Are Embracing Change
Other than the Burberry and US Army rebrands, I think the others are worse than their predecessors 😳
- Websites with downtime
Cool concept: websites that are intentionally not available 24/7
- Where have all the websites gone?
“It feels like all the cool websites from the late 2000s are gone. But maybe we are looking at this the wrong way. Maybe it is us who vanished.”
- Things That Aren't Doing the Thing
post advice
- Lo mejor de 2023
Erica’s year in review, chock full of wonderful illustrations and photos
- Ideas for this website
I have a similar running list for my own site—somehow this grid format seems like it would inspire so much more creativity (and action?) than a bulleted list!
- You've reached a future link!
I like this idea of a placeholder link for future pages on a personal website! Stumbled upon it by reading one of the author’s posts that linked to a topic that sounded interesting and found this
- How to trade money and time
- How Google takes the pain out of code reviews, with 97% dev satisfaction
- j3s.sh - my website is one binary
In general I love reading about how people make decisions based on principles and I also specifically love reading about how people choose their website setups/workflows so I loved reading this
- Precursor
Chris Glass took a photo of a slide rule and marked it up with labels including the "cursor"
- kening zhu - why build a world
Part of a series on “building a world” on the internet. Love this mental model.
- The Secret Language of Ships
- SOCKS Studio
Enjoyed browsing this visual atlas
- A Manifesto by Christoph Niemann
Rules for drawing, but applicable to a lot of creative processes. (This is also a fun series of manifestos to browse)
- how to made a mediocre cup of coffee
This piece articulates something I've been trying to put my finger on for a while (and made me chuckle). "...our economy demands the optimization of everything (which I have said before) and sells us perfection, which all but eliminates the beauty of difference"
- Check This Out — Borrow or reserve a book in Libby with just a few taps
- It's 2023, here is why your web design sucks.
- On how to be a creative person with a job
- How to fix the internet
- Expedia 15th Anniversary Travel Posters
Vintage never gets old (hehe)
- The Negative Impact of Mobile-First Web Design on Desktop
- The (Not Failing) New York Times
This is a lengthy but highly engaging deck on how the New York Times managed to not die out like every other newspaper in America (from the same source as that other great deck "The Resilience of Costco")
- Generative AI Takes Stereotypes and Bias From Bad to Worse
Fascinating and terrifying!
- Footer — The only footer gallery on earth.
I love a good footer!
- Bless the toolmakers
- Predatory Hospital Billing
I like the interactive data visual towards the bottom of the article
- RamenHaus
Rotating bowls of ramen
- This Spanish city has been restricting cars for 24 years
Great quote from the mayor: “It’s not my duty as mayor to make sure you have a parking spot... for me, it’s the same as if you bought a cow, or a refrigerator, and then asked me where you’re going to put them.”
- ‘I couldn’t believe the data’: how thinking in a foreign language improves decision-making
Interesting research
- Rocumentaries
Links to all kinds of documentaries. This seems great for a rainy day!
- SQL join flavors
- Critical Ignoring as a Core Competence for Digital Citizens
- When Is Complexity OK?
Bookmarking this for the graphs of complexity for a healthy and unhealthy project
- A Senior Engineer's CheckList
- Kagi Small Web
I've been hearing some buzz about this search engine fighting for "a more humane web"—love the idea of featuring the small web
- Energy makes time
"...every thing we do costs time. But that math doesn’t take energy into account, doesn’t grok that doing things that energize you gives you time back"
- How sad should I be about ChatGPT?
- Phosphor Icons
Super cute free open-source icon family developed as a passion project by Helena Zhang and Tobias Fried
- Sweeping Is A Funny Business
Believe it or not, this website is dedicated entirely to all things related to street sweeping. I spent a good 10 mins scanning the stories on this page including one about kangaroos who had been taught to pick up litter, put it in their pouches, and trade it for treats
- Raw Nerve (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought)
"This is a series of pieces on getting better at life."
- An Introduction to Pen Plotting
- Very Good Films
Love this concept and execution—a list of films personally recommended by the creators and visitors of this site
- Why Chatbots Are Not the Future of Interfaces
Interesting take
- The Sound of dial-up Internet
I enjoyed listening to this and reading the comments 😆
- Slides from OpenAI's brand guidelines
- Copying is the way design works
- How to sabotage your salary negotiation efforts before you even start
- Homesick
“I think the feeling I’m homesick for is community and a sense of belonging. I want to spend more time around people who share my values, and I want to share more of myself with them.”
- Why Personal Websites are Important
- Against Disability education – Robert Kingett
"With accessibility promises, such as those found on Global Accessibility Awareness Day, it’s teasing people like me into believing that you will be inclusive tomorrow and not just accessible today, but after the promises, there’s a whole world of disappointment and frustration because your promise was just that, a promise without action."
- A Grad Student Found the Largest Known Slave Auction in the U.S.
This is American history
- I miss the internet
"The homogeneity of the modern web is disheartening. Every website and platform is just a slight variation on a handful of templates. The eccentricity, the vibrant individuality, and the raw expression that once pulsated across the net all seem to have been replaced by either an inoffensive, user-friendly sameness or an algorithm-endorsed near-genocidal mania of hate speech that is somehow deemed socially acceptable."
- About
- Rediscovering the Small Web - Neustadt.fr
- Every person on the planet should have their own website 💡 Amin Eftegarie
- A change of typeface: Microsoft’s new default font has arrived | by Microsoft Design | Microsoft Design | Jul, 2023 | Medium
- Language Is a Poor Heuristic for Intelligence
- Scaling up the Prime Video audio/video monitoring service and reducing costs by 90% - Prime Video Tech
- My thoughts on microservices and monoliths | Dmitry Danilov
- How to name files like a normie
- K's review of Barbie
Hits the nail on the head—also I didn't realize that those dream houses were constructed IRL!
- Excuse me, is there a problem?
- Analog Office - Mess Up Your Good, Premium, Luxury Notebooks
- Tools versus Systems — Random Notes
- My Tools :: VorpalHex's Brainspace — The ramblings and thoughts of a slightly spastic but cocktail loving (occasionally parenthetical) developer.
- the html review — archive
- [no title]
- What We Know About LLMs (Primer)
- A comprehensive guide to running Llama 2 locally - Replicate – Replicate
- Accidentally Load Bearing
I read the first sentence of this and immediately thought, "this applies to software!"
- Hello, Perceptron: An introduction to artificial neural networks
- Hunting down my son's killer
- Fighting a One-of-a-Kind Disease | The New Yorker
- What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?—Stephen Wolfram Writings
- Inside Susan Kare’s sketchbooks are the makings of Mac’s graphic interfaces
- Dan Mall’s Salary & Income Information
- BIPOC Design History
- Regulatory Signs - Field Guide to American Traffic Signs
Neat collection showing the evolution of traffic signs in the US
- Kaz Nejatian (COO, Shopify): Why Shopify Elevated the Non-Manager Career Path and Ditched Meetings
- Three phases of creative production
- Chief Notion Officer « julian.digital
- How To Generate SQL Statements with ChatGPT – Ben Forta
- 5 learnings from classifying 500k customer messages with LLMs vs traditional ML
- Why I moved on from Figma
Figma seems so universally loved that it's rare to find voices that are genuinely critical of it. This is an interesting piece (less so knocking Figma and more the general evolution of the working relationship between product/design and engineering)—tl;dr the designer builds functional prototypes instead of using Figma, to mitigate problems created by project handoff
- A Deep Dive Into SVG Path Commands
Really great interactive tutorial—I got a little lost at quadratic bezier curves, but this was a really fun primer to understanding the basics
- How to Do Great Work
- [video] The Untold Story Of America's Southern Chinese
Interesting short documentary about a community of Chinese Americans who have lived in the Mississippi Delta for over a century
- The Explosive Growth Of The Fireworks Market
Saw a few roadside fireworks stands while driving yesterday and then this interesting article hit my inbox
- If you don’t schedule time for maintenance, your equipment will schedule it for you
- Miniature Retro Papercraft Synthesizers by Dan McPharlin — Colossal
- Common Bugs in Writing
- archives.design
- Finish your projects
- DRMacIver's Notebook: Examples of missing support networks
- Getting to know the right people
- Handbook | GitLab
- Culture of Documentation
- The Surprising Power of Documentation
- Will A.I. Become the New McKinsey?
"If you try to criticize capitalism, you are accused of opposing both technology and progress. But what does progress even mean, if it doesn’t include better lives for people who work?"
- Flat Journal
- REAS.com is a database for Casey REAS
- Jongwoo Jeremy Kim - School of Art | Carnegie Mellon University
interesting person! queer korean american art historian
- How to spend your first 30 days in a new senior-level role
- Analog Office - The Life-Changing Magic of Keeping a File Index
- You don't need a modal window
- Adobe + Figma – Roel van der Ven
This made me chuckle.
- Juice
I enjoyed this longform article / essay / collection of thoughts! "Juice is the non-essential visual, audio and haptic effects that enhance the player's experience."
- brexhq/prompt-engineering: Tips and tricks for working with Large Language Models like OpenAI's GPT-4.
- Why Are There So Many Asian American Women Named Connie?
Okay, I cried a little
- Hobonichi Techo Planner Book (January Start) A6 Size / English / Monday-Start Week - Techo Lineup - Hobonichi Techo 2023
- My planning stack - sanlive.com
- Inside the Delirious Rise of ‘Superfake’ Handbags - The New York Times
- meta | Adam Stoddard
- Dear Nienke, you should have a website - Zinzy Waleson Geene
- Five Books - The Best Books Recommended by Experts
"We ask experts to recommend the five best books in their subject and explain their selection in an interview."
- HIMSS23: Are they patients or customers?
- Your ultimate guide to hiring doctors into digital health
- Responding to: Advice to Aimless, Excited Programmers — nutcroft
think: mike and monday.com, linda and sql, etc
- Fictional Brands Archive
- Management Cheat Sheet
- How to foster psychological safety with a personal user manual
- Book Summary | High Output Management — Andy Grove | by Camin McCluskey | Medium
- Websafe 2k16
- Slideument
- Accessibility is for Everyone
- How to fix a slow backend? - Let's talk about Webperf
- at home on the internet - Johnny Rodgers
- Career Advice No One Gave Me: Give a Lot of Notice When You Quit
- ActivityPub is the next big thing in social networks - The Verge
- Social media is doomed to die - The Verge
- Why some people are impossibly talented - BBC Worklife
- Introducing ChatGPT
love the grid, esp for footnotes
- The Disappearance of the Hit-Driven Business Model - Dear Producer
- Trust
- David Choe's Casting on "Beef" is Hollywood Nepotism at its Worst
"Picking off perpetrators of sexual harassment and violence one by one is cathartic, but it’s unwise to isolate their worst behaviors from other people’s seemingly innocent choices to further their careers, or from an industry that privileges fame over accountability."
- Mij op een rij
the progression of photos of the author!
- Life After Lifestyle
This is the essay that pointed me to the Jenny Odell PDF (haven't finished yet but bookmarking here)
- There's no such thing as a free watch [PDF]
Interesting investigation by Jenny Odell on that "free" watch that was circulating around Instagram several years ago (I definitely fell for it back then 🙈). Gets pretty interesting around page 25: "Maybe this explains what’s so galling to people about the Folsom & Co. not-really-scam: It simply lays bare the categorical deception at the heart of all branding and retail."
- How Madewell Bought And Sold My Family's History
- Effective Spaced Repetition
- Astro
- Cooper Hewitt has a design competition for high schoolers and the entries are heartening
- Toby Shorin
- [no title]
- Contracts Under Coercion
- Stripe Press — Working in Public
- About — ☯︎
- About
- The Real Competition is the Water | RKG
"Don’t let a long runway lower the bar for your company. High standards are a gift that you give your team."
- Portugal. The Man's website is a Google sheet
It's not terrible! via Anh
- The Strategic Independent
putting blog posts together as a book
- How to Identify and Tell Your Most Powerful Stories
Leaders often shy away from sharing personal stories in their talks and presentations. Why? Because they’re afraid of exposing their flaws or struggles. But this is such a missed opportunity to connect with your audience.
- Treat your to-read pile like a river | Oliver Burkeman
- How the Figma design team level set on career leveling
Design Manager Sara Culver takes us through evolving the team's product design and writing career levels.
- Acceptable Book Cover Subjects for Books Written by East Asian Women Authors
Written by Elaine Hsieh Chou, whose novel Disorientation has a fantastic book cover 😄
- avanier.studio
i like this list of things this person has made
- Don't End The Week With Nothing
- Great tools choose to be bad at some things
- Newsletter — Lenny Rachitsky
i like this "best of" list organized by topic. could be a good way to organize a blog once there are enough entries.
- [no title]
- How Loneliness Reshapes the Brain
Feelings of loneliness prompt changes in the brain that further isolate people from social contact.
- software that sucks less | suckless.org software that sucks less
"Designing simple and elegant software is far more difficult than letting ad-hoc or over-ambitious features obscure the code over time."
- Automating My Now Page
- [erlang-questions] Erlang is the best choice for building commercial application servers
You cannot make a reliable system by *extending* an unreliable system... You cannot get a simple system by adding simplicity to a complex system
- TV shows should have episodes
“…some TV shows [fight] against their medium. The episodes are providing natural breaks for the viewer, but aren’t affecting how the story is being told.”
- Nathan Rooy 3D printed a full-size kayak
AND kayaked around the Hudson in it... multiple times... incredible!
- Cal Newport On Teenage Luddites
- Slower News
- Modern Font Stacks
- Systems design explains the world: volume 1 - apenwarr
- kening zhu
- Bring Back Blogs! January 2023
- Home · Ivy Zhang
- Paying For Search - Code & Sundry
- Jenny's Career Break(through) | Jenny Chu | Substack
- Archive
- Mario Villalobos · Year of the Sketchbook
- Christina (CJ) Jones
- Prospect Park loop to get fresh asphalt, redesign for pedestrians and cyclists
- Front-of-the-front-end and back-of-the-front-end web development | Brad Frost
- Transit Maps
A blog all about transit maps!
- Posts – Richard Felix
- sondering.blog – Thoughts and sketches from Susan’s desk.
- Notes from Ash Huang
- Daniël van der Winden
- ShaunInman.com
20 years of content in the calendar near the footer
- I don’t want to log in to your website
"The web is becoming a miserable experience because some salesbro who is trying to meet his KPIs is doing stuff to marginally increase the number of paying customers."
- I was VP at Google for 10 years. Here's the No. 1 skill I looked for at job interviews—few people had it
- One-Sheet Wonders: the art, psychology and people behind film posters • Journal • A Letterboxd Magazine • Letterboxd
- The Farmer & Farmer Review
like that it's a site about essays
- Johnny Rodgers
like the home page - exploded bike view, sections that are little windows/previews into the top hits of the site
- Tell me about a time documents | Sally Lait
- Get your work recognized: write a brag document
- Teenage Skeuomorphic Desktop Designs
I wish I'd done something like this, screenshot my desktops in high school! Great slices of life
- They Came in Through the Bathroom Mirror
Found this article and the previous one in a social media thread about "best longform articles"—this one's from 1987 but holds up really well (and speaks to issues unfortunately still rampant today). I didn't realize Candyman was inspired by a real story
- What Happened to Jefferson Rodríguez
Heartbreaking story about an immigrant boy killed on a dairy farm, and great reporting that makes me want to better understand the dairy industry
- Aren’t You the Valet? Tales of Black American Surgeons
"We are both graduates of Harvard Medical School and professors of surgery. We have seemingly climbed the ladder of meritorious success. Yet we are constantly reminded that we have not traveled a great distance as Black men in the United States."
- Teach Yourself Computer Science
- Angela Davis' Reaction To A Big Reveal Was the Most Priceless Thing We've Seen All Week
The activist found out she's a direct descendant of the Founding Fathers. We talked to the genealogist behind the shocking revelation.
- Opinion | The Welfare Condition of Restaurant Workers - The New York Times
- Principles of Security — Modern Adversary
- Programming On 34 Keys · peppe.rs
- • Judah •
- Why Your Inner Circle Should Stay Small, and How to Shrink It
- Office hours vs email
I feel like this could apply outside of academia too
- command-line.pdf
- From Browser To Django · Matt Layman
- Tom Critchlow. Move. Think. Create.
- This website is about keeping personal computing simple. - yctct
- What I Think About LeBron Breaking My NBA Scoring Record
My reactions to this article, in chronological order: 1) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has a Substack?? 2) This is really well written
- A beginner’s guide to writing documentation — Write the Docs
- Styleguide | Mina Markham — engineer. designer. writer. speaker.
- The case against CS master’s degrees
- What is The Most Successful Hollywood Movie of All Time?
Neat data visualizations
- Visual design rules you can safely follow every time
Clearly states a lot of principles that always FELT right to me but that I couldn't articulate in words as a non-designer
- Liyan Zhao
- GitHub - liwenyip/hugo-easy-gallery: Automagical css image gallery in Hugo using shortcodes, with optional lightbox/carousel gadget using PhotoSwipe and jQuery.
- Irrational Exuberance
- The Getty Family’s Trust Issues
This is a verrry long read, but a fascinating piece on how the ultra-wealthy avoid (and sometimes evade) taxes. Rich people are wild. Also, the print version of this article is titled "Trust Issues," which is a perfect homonym
- Why Not Mars (Idle Words)
- Church Clarity
- A Guide To Political Prisoners In the U.S.
- bt.ht
- You should maintain a transition file - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
- Szymon Kaliski
- Timothée Goguely
design & code
- localghost
- The Art and Science of Spending Money · Collab Fund
- About | RKG
- Cap Watkins - Product & Design Strategy
- How American R&B Songwriters Found a New Home in K-Pop
- Things I Use
list services you pay for and why - love the transparency of this
- About
"career mugshot"... lol
- Library of Maggie Appleton
hehe this library/antilibrary depiction of books read vs want to read is so creative
- Comprehensive.io - Pay Range Tracker
- Poor Man's Styleguide | A frontend styleguide for the pragmatic
- sanlive.com — My home on the internet.
- Webpage archive
(can be used to hop over paywalls)
- Open questions – Suspended Reason
i really like the idea of publicly listing questions you have about anything
- Mark Hurrell
- Flow, visualized
I love this!
- Don’t Just Spend Your Time—Invest It
Feeling especially mindful of time well spent after reviewing where I spent it this past year
- Projects — Helen van Baal
like the two photos per row look with caption, title, and description - could work for a food blog
- About — Helen van Baal
- Bring back personal blogging - The Verge
- Mastodon Media List
"This list is designed to point people to media outlets on the fediverse so they can either follow or avoid them."
- 8 Hard Truths I learned when I got laid off from my SWE job | Steven Buccini
- Why the super rich are inevitable
- What Can We Learn from Barnes & Noble's Surprising Turnaround?
- Making Hugo’s Footnotes Accessible — Daniel Post
- FANS study
- Best personal websites — Godly
- Derek Torsani
- 544x840.jpg (544×840)
- What makes collaboration click? A report by Figma.
- On Windows - Iris Cuppen
- On building a home on the web by Daniël van der Winden
These are my favorite types of posts lately
- Siteinspire | Personal websites
- VICE | 'Raised in the System' Season 6 Premiere | Full Episode | HBO - YouTube
- Bad Advice · Judah
- Notes Against Note-Taking Systems - by Sasha Chapin
- Greg Hochmuth · Art plus/minus Data
- Posthaven is the safe place for all your posts forever
- No one can teach you to have conviction
fast vs slow feedback • modeling people vs. modeling the problem • mentors vs. mistakes • why you should do the hard thing now
- PanWriter
- About – Rhoneisms
- Explore Popular Debates, Discussions and Critical Thinking…
Kialo is the platform for rational debate. Empowering reason through friendly and open discussions.
- Free online paywall remover
- How a Nepo Baby Is Born
Hollywood has always loved the children of famous people. In 2022, the internet reduced them to two little words.
- 12ft – Hop any paywall
Show me a 10ft paywall, I’ll show you a 12ft ladder.
- Manila Folders
- The Black Widow Looks Back - Hell Gate
- broccolini
- Between the Bars : Blogs from writers in prison
- Real Time Web Analytics & Marketing Attribution Tools - Gauges
- Violet Blog | Soft skills training is just as important as medical school.
Learning soft skills requires practice, ongoing commitment, and a willingness to be vulnerable. It may be challenging at first, but the benefits are wide-ranging for both patients as well as clinicians and health care organizations.
- Parker Henderson
- The Kool Aid Factory :: All Zines
- Yitong Zhang
- Renlord Yang | Renlord's Webpage
- eidam/cf-workers-status-page: Monitor your websites, showcase status including daily history, and get Slack/Telegram/Discord notification whenever your website status changes. Using Cloudflare Workers, CRON Triggers, and KV storage.
- Cam Pegg
- Just Put Stuff Out There · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer
- Around the World
- Old Fashioned
- How the Blog Broke the Web - Stacking the Bricks
- The Unbearable Lightness of Web Pages
- Articles - Knowledge at Wharton
- PSA: Do Not Use Services That Hate The Internet
- NPR's Books We Love
Like a giant virtual bookshelf of staff recommendations! Bookmarking (pun intended) this one for later
- Ben Werdmuller
- Keeping NYC On Top
- Why Do Rich People Love Quiet?
"For generations, immigrants and racial minorities were relegated to the outer boroughs and city fringes. Far, but free. No one else much cared about what happened there. When I went to college, it was clear to me that I was a visitor in a foreign land, and I did my best to respect its customs. But now the foreigners had come to my shores, with no intention of leaving. And they were demanding that the rest of us change to make them more comfortable."
- ooh.directory
I love a personal sites directory with a fun URL! via Chris Glass
- web log
- Me, But Online
- Homepage - Hell Gate
- All That Glitters…In Sunset Park – Asian American Writers' Workshop
- What Happens When You Enter a URL In Your Browser of Choice - The History of the Web
- Jessica Chang
i like this list of fun projects - consider this as its own section
- Matthew Smith
like the design
- LomoApparat 21 mm Wide-angle Camera Neubau Edition
If film photography is a dying art, why is this camera so cute??
- Bye Twitter 💙
By an ex-Twitter engineer
- Would You Rather Have a Blank Page or a Bad First Draft?
Oof, I feel called out
- Stop treating all of your content as if it were news
"As an ex-CMS developer, I’m confident that this state of affairs is due to it being technically straightforward to publish a list of blog posts. As a writer, this makes me sad. How we present content to readers should never be defined by the publication tool."
- The Definitive Gowanus Smell Map
Don't ask me why I was looking this up
- Email is good. – A site about email productivity.
- Inbox When Ready – Protect your focus
- All Posts - 47nil
- kwon.nyc – Blacklight Search Results – The Markup
- 12 Stoic Rules For Life
- How a Secret Rent Algorithm Pushes Rents Higher — ProPublica
- LGBTQ+ Healthcare Directory
- How Chinese citizens use puns to get past internet censors
- Good Feets Standard Cleaning Kit – Good Feets Cleaner
- Why does the Angostura bitters label look too big for the bottle? Because it is
- Thoughts on Office-Bound Work
- Why I Built This Site — Cam Pegg
I've been building personal websites since sometime in the mid 90s. Ever since I got access to the web, I didn't just want to consume it, I wanted to build it, or at least, build my little part of i…
- The bullshit cabinet - annie mueller
- TrueHoop Presents: How Nike lost Stephen Curry to Under Armour
- Three Dimensions of the Good Life
- Small Seasons
We're in the autumnal equinox, approaching cold dew. I like this way of dividing the year.
- These Black women are obsessed with Korean TV dramas. Here’s why.
- Random Notes
i like some of the posts
- How To Use An API (The Complete Guide) [Simple API Example]
- Verso
- The IRL Fetish
"Hanging out with friends and family increasingly means also hanging out with their technology. While eating, defecating, or resting in our beds, we are rubbing on our glowing rectangles, seemingly lost within the infostream."
- 40 questions to ask yourself every year – Stephan Ango
- agbero.dev – Korede Aderele
like that it's unique. hasn't been updated since 2020 though.
- Sheryl Lee Ralph put in the time and the work. Hollywood is finally taking notice
- Serena begins US Open run with win over Kovinic
- Friday Finds Links - David Perell
- A blog by Alessia Bellisario | anti/pattern
- I like this idea of a public "life goals" page
- Marine Johannès threw the pass of the year in the WNBA Playoffs
I think I've watched this pass at least a hundred times
- Webdesign as architecture
I don’t know what this is, but I like it!
- Data linked to you
- How to Write “Death” : No Tokens
- The psychiatrist who warned us that Donald Trump would unleash violence was absolutely right
- Love the Fig
Did you know that a fig is an inverted flower, not a fruit, and it is pollinated by a wasp that then gets absorbed by the fruit? 🤯
- Bike Exploring NYC
Bike Exploring NYC
- The Value of a Personal Site
- ask wesley anything
i love this idea
- Webring
- Wesley’s Notebook
- How Websites Die
"It pains me to see people build websites with no feeling of obligation to them — when you put something out into the world, it is your responsibility to care for it."
- Commuting tips from Urban Commuter
I'm getting prepared (mostly mentally and emotionally) to go back to the office in person—this is helpful
- Hunting the Nearly-Invisible Personal Website
This made me chuckle
- The Perils of Audience Capture: How influencers become brainwashed by their audiences
This is disturbing
- (Video) The surprising reason behind Chinatown's aesthetic
- The Joys and Sorrows of Maintaining a Personal Website
- Nigerian Jollof Rice | How to Prepare Jollof | Chef Lola's Kitchen (Video)
Nigerian Jollof Rice or Jellof rice is a rich and incredibly tasty west African one-pot Meal. It is a very versatile dish, and it is usually made from
- (PDF) The DALL•E 2 prompt book
Browsed the first 30 pages of this 85-page book—saving for later
- lowering your life’s requirements
- Rands in Repose
- Rebecca Toh
- Anh
- Duarte O.Carmo
My personal website. Here, you can read my blog posts, and learn about my projects. I write about data science, AI, programming, business, and other topics.
- Stay in touch with hundreds of people. | Derek Sivers
- sonylogos (@sonylogos) / Twitter
A collection of Sony logos
- Grumpy Website
Questionable user interface elements
- Service Design 101
- Mental health and Covid-19: How the US health care system fails doctors - Vox
- Honesty is a professional behavior - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
Dishonesty at work is wrong except when it isn’t.
- The Oxymoron of “Data-Driven Innovation”
- "I don’t want to go outside": Racism is keeping many Asian Americans from going to the doctor
- Joy & Competitiveness & Culture
- Terra
- The Forest
- Daydreaming is better than doomscrolling
Something to try: carry a book everywhere instead of a phone
- Scuttlebutt
- Haunted By Data
An evergreen talk (essay) by Maciej Cegłowski on the perils of Big Data
- warmly
a newsletter for people who like people.
- macwright.com
- better Save for Web
- How to Report a Bug
“‘It Crashes’ is not a good bug report: it's like telling a doctor ‘it hurts’ without specifying how, when, or where.”
- What we are learning by creating an ultra-thin EMR | by Daniel Burka | Simple | Medium
- By Design
"Your job as a leader is not to make the hard calls. That’s ego talking. Your job as a leader is to clearly explain how you made the hard call so that your team understands how you think, what strategy you are employing, and what principles you are following."
- The Big List of Personal Websites
- icyphox
- internet identity and the permanence of words :: up & to the right — Jonathan Borichevskiy
- Jennifer Lopez's Rolling Stone cover story
- Uses This / Rachel J. Kwon
Hey, that's me!
- The Programmer's Paradox
Found this blog during my lunch break—it's a treasure trove of insights, even for a non-programmer!
- Books
- Switching to cgit - paritybit.ca
- site - Source for my site, found at icyphox.sh
- cgit - A hyperfast web frontend for git repositories written in C.
- Clara Le
- Webmentions, part 1
- Have you “Moved to Substack”?
"...when I browse from someone’s blog over to their Substack it feels like going from a sweet little neighborhood into a staid corporate park. A little piece of joy dies in me when that happens because it’s another reminder of the corporatization of the web." Hard agree
- Ye Olde Blogroll - Blogroll.org
- Asian and Black Communities Have a Long History of Shared Solidarity
- Black and Asian Feminist Solidarities – Asian American Writers' Workshop
- Meet Jaimee A. Swift, the Founder of Black Women Radicals - AMAKA
- Surveillance capitalism: “an economic system centered around the capture and commodification of personal data for the core purpose of profit-making” (i.e., big tech)
I love that there is already a term—nay, an entire book!!—on this concept that I’ve been kicking around in my head in a much more convoluted way
- Tasks, lists, and promises
- Piper Haywood — If lost, please return
- SketchUp
- Blog – Lucy Bellwood
- thesephist.com
- A Photographer Pays Loving Tribute to the Korean Community in Flushing
- belong.io
- How I Slack (2022)
Good tips here—I only recently started using keyboard shortcuts more frequently in Slack, and it's been helpful for productivity
- 😵💫 Why billing systems are a nightmare for engineers
- “Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting,” Ten Years On
- Thoughts on OKRs
- So Bad it's Good, Tumblr
Interesting article where the core thesis is that Tumblr is bad at being a social media website, which is why it still has value for many
- You Say Melon, I Say Lemon: Deborah Smith's Flawed Yet Remarkable Translation of "The Vegetarian"
Han Kang's The Vegetarian has been on my to-read list for a while now, though I'd have to read the English translation—this article makes me think I should just learn Korean ("just"!) and read the original
- Serena Chen
- Asian American Stories of Resilience and Beyond | PBS
- Gossip’s Web
- Books :: up & to the right — Jonathan Borichevskiy
- Great Twitter thread with photos on Mexico City’s efforts to improve bicycling infrastructure
- How to professionally say
A guide for your daily "professional" interactions
- 103 Bits of Advice I Wish I Had Known
- Early Web Design Helped a Generation Express Themselves Online. How Do We Capture That Feeling Again?
- Who Really Benefits From Student-Loan Forgiveness?
The proposal’s prominence has less to do with its merits than with college graduates’ agenda-setting power.
- medium.com
- indieblog.page
“A website to randomly explore the IndieWeb. Simply click a button and you will be redirected to a random post from a personal blog.”
- Webring
- Linh-Yen Hoang: Wrong Asian but ok – From Here to Sunday
- A Pioneer of Digital Design Looks Back on a Defining Era
Loretta Staples is a Black and Japanese woman who worked as a user interface designer at Apple before UI was really a thing, and now works as a therapist
- The Shadow That Queerbaiting Casts on Gay Romance
This piece defines queerbaiting perfectly: "playing up queer romance, but always under a veneer of plausible deniability, and with no intention of payoff"
- IndieWebify.Me - a guide to getting you on the IndieWeb
- 100% Clever, 0% Hired
Resumés are communication documents that gain nothing from the addition of sparkles, graphs, and your little big data
- On burnout and writing
Lots of this resonates with my path away from being a surgeon
- KnitPicks.com
- ENS Faq
- Hugo's Blog
- Blog – Monica Dinculescu
- The animation for this Nike ad on Cross Shinjuku Vision, a giant 4K curved LED screen in Japan, is absolutely unreal
- Why everything should have a URL | Ben Balter
- A Complete Guide to Flexbox | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
- Productivity Skills to Help You Gain Time Back
- On Anti-Asian Hate Crimes: Who Is Our Real Enemy? by Michelle MiJung Kim
- making space for my self through journalling
- Technical Solutions Poorly Solve Social Problems
This is about DevOps but could also apply to technology in general (and its limitations in solving social and structural problems)
- Start Here - Zak Slayback
- About ⇢ Danny de Vries
- Aza Raskin
- Asian Americans Have Always Lived With Fear
This piece by Min Jin Lee is a gut punch
- The Cognitive Bias Codex
Reviewing these cognitive biases is my brain learning about itself
- How To Do Less
- How WordPress and Tumblr are keeping the internet weird - The Verge
- Foundations to build on: Intercom's principles for building product
- principles.design
Bookmarking this repository of design principles from hundreds of companies/brands to peruse later
- [no title]
- “Tom had us all doing front-end web development”: a nostalgic (re)imagining of Myspace
I was never big on Myspace (I spent more time on LiveJournal in that era), but I support the general reframing of such platforms as formative for girls and BIPOC over the dominant narrative that we ruined them
- www.workspaces.xyz
- /uses
- On owning your content, complexity, platforms, elitism and a bunch of other related topics – Manu
- The Narcissism of Queer Influencer Activists
This is thoughtfully written and makes some great callouts (that are hard to distill into a single Instagram infographic, which I think is the point)
- A psychotherapist shares the 3 exercises she uses every day 'to stop overthinking'
- Learn fingerspelling
- XHTML Club - Member List
- Blogroll - @hacdias' corner
- links / blogroll « Piko.fm
- Blog - Xe
- Using Paper for Everyday Tasks - Xe
- Later - Save your Mac apps for later
- Oh Hello Ana - My Hugo cheat sheet
- Make Free Stuff | Max Böck
- When Your Doctor Isn’t a Doctor | The New Republic
"...it can seem like the bickering between [doctors and nurse practitioners or physician assistants] boils down to nothing more than a turf war. But... health care, whether we like it or not, has become big business. On all sides, the debate is more about money, power, and clout than ever before"
- Design and Healing: Creative Responses to Epidemics | Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
- Actual footage of a physician talking to a non-physician.
- Winnie Lim
- The brain’s reading of the body’s state is key to mental health
Of all the -ceptions I learned about in medical school, "interoception," or the sense of your physical state, was not one. Fascinating article!
- The Young Jerks
nice grid
- How to Care Less About Work
Or, how to care more about hobbies and resist the urge to monetize them or pressure yourself into doing them for productivity or status
- The Best Movie Posters of 2021
- Arun Prasad
- Soo Hugh's 'Pachinko' Adaptation Confronts Japan’s Colonization of Korea
- Open sublime file from terminal - Home
- Git Branch
- 🗞️ Blogroll - Ru Singh
- FLOSS and FOSS - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation
- Lobsters
- About — LISA HEDGE / Designer, Creative Director
- On attention management & owning your content
This is the closest articulation to what I am trying to accomplish here and why
- About
- Safe Asian Americans
- Nikki Sylianteng redesigned parking signs and it's *chef's kiss*
- Farewill
Did you know there are death industry startups?
- Sarah Drasner's Site
- Crying in Public
idea for a project - nyc memories like making out with people? lol
- From Tech Startup to Dirt Candy | Institute of Culinary Education
- Blog - Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure
- Maciej Ceglowski, Pinboard - Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure
- Tech Solidarity
- Idle Words
Maciej Ceglowski's blog
- We Need a More Forgetful Internet - NYTimes.com
- The Internet's Original Sin - The Atlantic
- The Importance of Career Laddering | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
- Cycling is awfully similar to being a woman
- Learning in Product. Too much Product content still relates… | by Ellen Chisa | Ellen’s Blog
- What is Persuasive Design? | Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF)
- Full article: Trouble in programmer’s paradise: gender-biases in sharing and recognising technical knowledge on Stack Overflow
- Tiny Love Story of how my partner and I met on Lunar New Year :)
- computer dreams
idk what this is but i like it
- [video] As someone who knows nothing about choreography, this is incredible choreography
- UX map
A map of how personas, prototypes, user research, and other UX tools fit together
- Good Things
- TW-KoreanHistory
- Collection - Ellen Li
- A key ring that you can open doors and press buttons with
- Winamp Skin Museum
I think I just went into a wormhole
- Dismantle Convenience
I have complicated feelings about using tech-enabled services for food, particularly restaurant and grocery delivery. This article examines the question "what are we willing to sacrifice for convenience"?
- Explain It Like I Am 5: NFTs
Gain an edge over the crypto market with professional grade data, tools, and research.
- How ‘Yellowjackets’ Found Casting Magic Across Two Timelines
- How to use Google Sheets as a CMS or a database
Creating a blog, platform, or any sort of dynamic website using Google Sheets in the back-end with PHP.
- Can an Equation to Help Determine Kidney Health Be Racist?
A reckoning in medicine has upended the use of race in calculating kidney function, spurring institutional change.
- The inventor of the Caller ID is a Black woman
- questions
I'm glad Bill Wurtz is on the internet
- Summary: what makes for a high-impact career? - 80,000 Hours
- If you want to save lives, should you study medicine? Probably not. - 80,000 Hours
- Data visualization of names and breeds of New York City dogs, mapped against frequency and intelligence
- Johnny Rodgers
Personal site of Johnny Rodgers, technology designer from Vancouver.
- Our World in Data
Research and data to make progress against the worldâs largest problems
- https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C5622AQG2Y539qaatkw/feedshare-shrink_800/0/1641964389103?e=1645056000&v=beta&t=X7csLPg1D0JS_64rbeWFbZO0MUARKePmyGD3YZiISPM
- Finding Language/Market Fit: How to Make Customers Feel Like You’ve Read Their Minds
- Richard Feynman on bad science
“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself—and you are the easiest person to fool.”
- What fuels great design (and why most startups don’t do it)
- Have We Forgotten How to Read Critically?
- Rock n' roll metro map
I was cleaning old bookmarks out of my browser and found this, which I probably saved in the 2000s (I was a frequenter of the EMO and ALTERNATIVE ROCK lines, lol)
- questions on (the limits & effects of) (asian american) allyship
Insightful essay by Hyejin Shim
- Overlooked No More: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Artist and Author Who Explored Identity
She was murdered after the publication of her first novel, “Dictee,” a challenging exploration of Korean history and immigrant life that inspires Asian American writers today.
- Uses • lowmess
- Bookmarks · Paul Robert Lloyd
- The 101 Best Book Covers of 2021
The only year-end list I care about...
- SA vs DSA vs OEM vs Cherry vs XDA Profiles - Switch and Click
- Charles Eames defines design
Is Design an expression of art? "I would rather say it’s an expression of purpose. It may, if it’s good enough, later be judged as art."
- New York City job listings will be required by law to post salary ranges
This is a good thing, right?
- Dave Grohl retraces his life-affirming path from Nirvana to Foo Fighters
- How to Make Smart Decisions Without Getting Lucky - Farnam Street
Learning to make smart decisions helps you get better results. This guide is packed with time-tested real world tools you can use today.
- Second-Order Thinking: What Smart People Use to Outperform - Farnam Street
Second-order thinking is a mental model that smart people like Warren Buffett & Howard Marks use to avoid problems. Read this article to learn how it works.
- Inversion: The Power of Avoiding Stupidity
Inversion is a powerful mental model to improve your thinking because it helps you identify and remove obstacles to success. Most of us tend to think one way about a problem: forward. Inversion allows us to flip the problem around and think backward.
- icyphox's blog
- [no title]
- Open Invite · maxdeviant.com
- New study shows the Korean language has roots among millet farmers in China, who eventually migrated to Korea and Russia
“A truth that makes people with nationalist agendas uncomfortable is that all languages, cultures and humans, including those in Asia, are mixed”
- [no title]
- www.ncbar.org
- martinfowler.com
- bighack.org
- VJ Type Typefaces
- Evolution of "that Japanese wave painting" over the artist's lifetime
- The Great Wave by Hokusai: Great Art Explained - YouTube
- Buster's Notes - Notes
- Learn ASL fingerspelling with your webcam and machine learning
This is so cool!
- REAS.com is a database for Casey REAS
- How Slack Decides to Send a Notification
Checking the user preference is surprisingly far downstream
- How Claudia Kishi Inspired a Generation of Asian American Writers
- [no title]
- muan.co
- sld.codes
- Quick Start - Cactus Comments
- Tutorials / Processing.org
- Data Is Beautiful: 10 Of The Best Data Visualization Examples From History & Today
I particularly like #3, a spiral chart by Florence Nightingale showing that most deaths in the Crimean War were attributable to poor hospital practice, not combat injuries. Also appreciate that Florence Nightingale is described as a "nurse, analyst, and data rockstar"
- tonigemayel.com
- www.healthaffairs.org
- Cool diagrams from when computers were people
- How to Get Rich
"Money is not going to solve all of your problems; but it’s going to solve all of your money problems."
- www.joshwcomeau.com
- Michelle Lim
- Death to Bullshit
- blot.im
- remote repo :: Git Cheatsheet :: NDP Software
- annualbeta
- Your World of Text
The internet is weird and wonderful. Leave me a message here!
- What I Learned About My Writing By Seeing Only The Punctuation
- This Key Wrangler is cool
- hotline webring
- webrings
- tobiasschmidt.me
- Manuel Moreale
- time.com
- Setups
Profiles and photos of designers' (physical) workspaces. Neat!
- lifehacker.com
- hbr-org.cdn.ampproject.org
- Webring
- psyche.co
- Le Puzz Jigsaw Puzzles
How wonderfully weird! (Not sure how I feel about random cut—call me boring but I'm more of a ribbon cut puzzler myself)
- Chip Kidd: The art of first impressions -- in design and life | TED Talk
- [video] Chip Kidd's TED talk on designing book covers
Book designer is my "if money were no object" dream job
- 🕸💍
- Alyse Eisenberg Studio Alyse Rental Apartment Photos | Apartment Therapy
Finally, what’s your absolute best home secret or decorating advice? If you have time, I always suggest living in your space for a month before making any large decorating decisions. I find that this allows you to really understand what you need and how the space will function for you. When we first moved in, we both were in awe of our empty shell, but we came to realize the furniture pieces we’d need for functionality. With this in mind, we were able to curate inspiration boards and dive deeper into the design process.
- hbr.org
- The 10 commandments of salary negotiation
- why web3 matters
- Why Simply Hustling Harder Won't Help You With the Big Problems in Life
"The whole idea of a formula breaks down when it can't solve the problem of being a person. It doesn't solve the problem of pain. For example, the gospel of hustle, the more I worked, the more work I got. Even success looks like failure, and I was just trying to get to the end of the mythical workday."
- ‘We’re all fighting the giant’: Gig workers around the world are finally organizing
"Platform workers, whether they’re based in the U.S. or Nigeria, Indonesia or Ethiopia, are all struggling with a shared set of challenges: insecurity, anxiety, low wages, and high costs."
- [video] Loved ones of 9/11 victims are invited to phone booth to leave a voicemail in their memory, 20 years later
Warning: you will absolutely ugly-cry yourself to sleep watching this
- New York City's 65,000 food delivery people work under horrible conditions
Read this about a week ago and can't stop thinking about it, particularly the contrast between billions of dollars of venture capital going into food delivery apps and the image of a delivery worker not even being able to use the restroom at a restaurant that's profiting off of them
- Brooklyn Bridge gets a dedicated bike path
This is great news. I used to avoid riding on the Brooklyn Bridge except during the depths of the pandemic or very late at night so as to avoid the pedestrians (also, the wooden slats are rough on a bicycle)—maybe I’ll spin up a ride soon!
- How Asian American internet trailblazers gave new life to Shang-Chi
- www.thejuggernaut.com
- How I experience web today
This is painful. And accurate.
- Protect your privacy - Bitcoin
- What is a Dapp? A Guide to Ethereum Dapps
- www.nytimes.com
- No More Google
"Privacy-friendly alternatives to Google that don't track you"
- Maybe this book recommendation engine will cut down on the number of books I buy because I like the cover and then never read…
- Documentaries - watch free online documentaries - ihavenotv.com
- Maybe this movie recommendation site will cut down on the time I spend deciding what to watch on Netflix, which is basically more time than I spent watching Netflix
- Nestflix
via yewknee
- America Ruined My Name for Me
- This article on loneliness hit me in the feels... I miss my friends
- Sophie Zhang, an ex-Facebook whistleblower and trans woman, tells her story and how aspects of her identity shaped her decisions at Facebook
- www.quora.com
- Christopher Meloni on Law & Order: Organized Crime, Working Out, and Being a Zaddy
- What is data science
- cripple punk
- The NFL Confronts Vaccine Refusers - The Atlantic
- Toggle Switch: 5 Simple Design Tips For Better Design | by Nick Babich | UX Planet
- Wall Street was founded on slavery | Free Your Mind
- Jade Purple Brown
I opened up Adobe Illustrator for the first time in a year or so and saw that the splash art was credited to this artist whose name is three colors which just really tickled me
- A brief history of E/N (everything/nothing) websites
I think this is an E/N website...
- What Do You Do When You Have TSA Precheck and Your Partner Doesn’t?
Interesting article on relationships and also how blatantly classist air travel can be
- How to say no: templates
- Retro posters of modern things by Patrick Concepción
via Kottke
- Directed By Women
Neat simple web app that tells you how many of the films you've watched were directed by women (assumes Letterboxd account). My number: 11.8%
- Form S-1
- Designing for Buying: How to Break Through the Ceiling in Product-Led Growth
- Reexamining Frederick Douglass’ 'What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?'
- No, You Can’t Recycle Bowling Balls — But People Keep Trying
- “For the new generasian”: a look back on long lost design treasure, Yolk magazine
- www.bloomberg.com
- Airbnb Is Spending Millions of Dollars to Make Nightmares Go Away
"Like many Silicon Valley companies, Airbnb rose on the strength of a growth-at-all-costs ethos—rolling into cities, skirting regulations, winning the popular vote, and catching on so fast that by the time officials noticed what was going on, they had no chance of controlling it."
- Julie Zhuo - The Power of Product Thinking
- [video] In 1980, there were 200 lesbian bars in the US. Today there are only 21.
- What Is Load Balancing?
- Links to "timeless articles" on the internet
- How to use Google Sheets as a JSON Endpoint
- [video] How the US economy works, in 30 mins
- Free open-source health icons. Cute!
- simple explanations
- The 2021 UX Research Tools Map
- In Defense of Half-Assed Corporate Pride Activations
Interesting take—crux of the argument is there’s evidence that virtue signaling actually works, despite how cringey it often feels
- google technical pm
- www.bigocheatsheet.com
- technical interview
- google PM technical interview
- Home | Cups of Tea | Book Review Blog
- To Protect Me From America, My Parents Changed My Name Without Telling Me
"While my parents were forced to shrink for their survival, I now have the choice to take up space. My space comes from my Blackness and my Asianess—it comes from within, the core of who I am, the hyphen in my name."
- intensify.org
- ESC.V5
- A Photographer On Race, Queerness, And The American South
- In Praise of Congee - The New York Times
- www.karenhan.org
- Airport Codes
So the "O" in "ORD" doesn't stand for O'Hare...
- &yet
- Why You Should Invest in Unconventional Talent
- twitter.com
- medium.com
- barba.js
- Retro logos
These are so cute.
- saradu.com
- Stop just using “Frontend” or “Backend” to describe the Engineering you like
In addition to front end vs back end, try product (product-first coding) vs infrastructure (coding-first coding)—makes a ton of sense
- Font Review Journal
- On Design Engineering: I think I might be a design engineer... | Trys Mudford
- Book cover: The Infographic History of the World
- Rin Kim
- About - Lynn Fisher
- Contact
- Automate your outgoing webmentions
- PersonalSit.es | Yes we got hot and fresh sites
- Checkboxes vs. Radio Buttons
- Financial Information
- Not Your Typical Horizontal Rules
- Homepage - Chris Coyier
- Swipey image grids.
- The Art of Typewriting
- Dan Mall’s Blogroll
- Good Movies as Old Books
These are incredible
- “Stealing Your Way to Original Designs,” an article by Dan Mall
- Pricing | Mapbox
- whimsical.club
- frankchimero.com
- forestry.io
- tina.io
- Google Blocks Advertisers from Targeting Black Lives Matter YouTube Videos
- Home | Carolyn Stransky
- Marguerite Roth | Product Designer & Developer
- Why we choose profit
(It's okay to want to make money) edit: this did not age well
- The Naked Truth: How the names of 6,816 complexion products can reveal bias in beauty
Very cool data visualization on systemic bias in makeup foundation shades
- Amber Thomas Data Portfolio & Blog | Amber Thomas Data Portfolio & Blog
- How to remove condescending language from documentation - DEV Community
- Karate, Wonton, Chow Fun: The end of 'chop suey' fonts
- Who Pays for Resident Salaries?
Medicare (the government) pays $10 billion for graduate medical education and caps the number of total residents at 100,000, meaning that an institution gets $100,000 per resident per year. My intern year salary in 2010 was $55,858 ($14.50 per hour assuming I worked 80 hours a week, even though most weeks it was closer to 90 or 100). So my institution spent $44,142 training me in one year. I'd be curious to see an itemized list of what that $44k was spent on.
- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Hollywood Must Do More to Combat Asian Stereotypes
"The problem is when the industry produces a Minari or The Farewell or Killing Eve, it likes to sit back and relax while congratulating itself."
- Stop Using Login With Facebook Immediately—Here’s Why
- Anti-homeless spikes: ‘Sleeping rough opened my eyes to the city’s barbed cruelty’
"Defensive architecture acts as the airplane curtain that separates economy from business and business from first class... It speaks volumes about our collective attitude to poverty in general and homelessness in particular."
- High Growth Handbook
- Airbnb's original pitch deck from 2008
- This Fried Chicken Has a Waitlist—and a Secret
Tried this chicken during the depths of the pandemic and it was honestly one of the highlights of whatever dark month that was
- Work | kyu
Kyu is a collective of global creative services companies including IDEO and others
- Why Women Need to Be a Central Part of Creating Peace in Korea
Peace agreements negotiated with women involved are 35% more likely to last 15 years or more
- A Date With NYC’s “Vaccine Daddy” Huge Ma, a.k.a. @TurboVax
- Asian Americans Are Still Caught in the Trap of the ‘Model Minority’ Stereotype. And It Creates Inequality for All
- Cityblock Health Gets $192 Million Funding Boost To Turbocharge Care For Low-Income Patients
A few things I love about what this company is doing: 1) They serve low income communities, which are left behind by most venture-backed tech startups 2) They hire people on the ground in those communities, so they are investing in the communities they serve (and not just profiting off of them) 3) It seems to work: "Data from an initial group of Cityblock members, showed a 15% reduction in emergency room visits and a 20% reduction in inpatient hospital stays"
- Lil Nas X Develops His Love for Showmanship—and His Authenticity—on “Montero (Call Me By Your Name)”
- (PDF) Goldman Sachs Working Conditions Survey
GS could be "Goldman Sachs" or General Surgery (training)...
- A Letter to My Fellow Asian Women Whose Hearts Are Still Breaking
A few years ago, a publication I had written for sent me payment for an article I hadn't written. Turns out it was R.O. Kwon, and we were both listed as R Kwon in their system. I reached out to her to make sure she had gotten paid for her work (she had) and we had a laugh and a cringe over being mistaken for one another in a world that wasn't imaginative enough to believe there might be two R Kwon writers.
- Online Pharmacy Ro Is Said to Raise Funds at $5 Billion Value - Bloomberg
- The OODA Loop: How Fighter Pilots Make Fast and Accurate Decisions
- Elliot Page on His Identity and Where He Goes From Here | Time
- Queer Designers Share Their Vision for the Future of Design
- Michael, as your colleague | Michael Heap
- How to Rands – Rands in Repose
- Top digital health exec’s advice to startups: Once you think you “know” you’ve lost the game
- hbr
- When to Take a Chance on an Imperfect Job Candidate
- The Racist History of Abortion and Midwifery Bans
- On Racism: A New Standard For Publishing On Racial Health Inequities
- Pro Bono ASL
I attended a virtual event and the ASL interpreter was from this organization
- The Markup
- Venmo is public by default
- Baking Your Layercake — Postlight — Digital Strategy, Design and Engineering
- 22.8miles = Hang Do Thi Duc
- Are monospace fonts trending?
- Tavi Gevinson has an alternate perspective on Britney Spears' level of control in her early career
"At the same time that young women are disadvantaged by age and gender, youth does carry currency, which can be mistaken for power."
- Product Leadership vs Product Management | by Rohan Rajiv | Medium
- chiefofstuff.substack.com
- What is good retention - Issue 29 - Lenny's Newsletter
- What is the best way to write a PRD? With PRD examples from companies you look upto! - Blog by Vindhya C
- deloitte deck - journey to VBC
- Women In Leadership Report 2021
- Forum: Black Women and the Pill
Going down a Dorothy Roberts rabbit hole—don't mind me
- Why do doctors practice race-based medicine?
- The problem with race-based medicine
- The Dangerous Seduction of the Lifetime Value (LTV) Formula | Above the Crowd | By Bill Gurley
The LTV formula is a measurement tool to be used by marketing to test the effectiveness of their marketing spend – nothing more and nothing less. If one asserts that buying customers below what they charge them is a corporate strategy, this is in essence an arbitrage game, and arbitrage games rarely last.
- www.zocalopublicsquare.org
- Progression at Monzo
- vanity metrics
- www.ideo.com
- The Underground Movement Trying to Topple the North Korean Regime
This story is truly a wild ride. Good one to bookmark for later
- TITANPOINTE: The NSA’s Spy Hub in New York, Hidden in Plain Sight
This striking windowless building is one block from us in Tribeca... kind of crazy
- The Nightmare Inside Mission Chinese Food
I'm disappointed but not necessarily surprised to learn that this outwardly progressive and inclusive business is just as toxic and exploitative as the rest
- Where Health Care Won’t Go
This piece from 2017 about a tuberculosis outbreak in rural Alabama shows how vulnerable these populations already were even before COVID. Lengthy but worth a read
- Show me worse UX than this
Some great (and by great I mean terrible) examples in this Twitter thread
- Tim Ferriss Is No Longer Living the Tim Ferriss Lifestyle. Neither Should You
I have mixed feelings about the concept of the four-hour workweek, but either way it's refreshing to see the reporting of an evolution like this
- www.vox.com
- zora.medium.com
- Work & Co redesigns the MTA subway map
Coolest thing I've seen this week
- Give Blck
"Give Blck is a comprehensive database of Black-founded nonprofits." (I absolutely love the domino effect graphic in the footer.)
- www.fastcompany.com
- www.sequoiacap.com
- hbr.org
- 10 Things Incredibly Likable People Never, Ever Do (and Why You Love Them for It)
When you interrupt someone, what you're really saying is, I'm not listening to you so I can understand what you're saying; I'm listening to you so I can decide what I want to say.
- www.buzzfeednews.com
- Sonos
- hbr.org
- expel.io
- Noname Book Club
- Ashok Chandwaney, a former Facebook engineer, writes a scathing resignation letter
- I’m a Teacher in New York. I’m Doing My Job by Fighting an Unsafe Reopening.
- How to Lose Your Best Employees
"Every organization is a collection of people on different learning curves. You build an A team by optimizing these individual curves with a mix of people: 15% of them at the low end of the curve, just starting to learn new skills; 70% in the sweet spot of engagement; and 15% at the high end of mastery."
- Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?
"Because we (people in general) commonly misinterpret displays of confidence as a sign of competence, we are fooled into believing that men are better leaders than women."
- Why They Left: Black Lawyers on Why Big Law Can't Keep Them Around
- How social justice slideshows made by activists took over Instagram
- Standards
- How a $175 COVID-19 Test Led to $2,479 in Charges
“This is boilerplate B.S.,” she said, “and I don’t mean ‘bachelor of science.’”
- glen tullman interview
- Why Gallows Humor Might Just Rescue This Year of WTFs
I love Monica Lewinsky's writing and sense of humor (if you're not following her on Twitter, I highly recommend). I'm so impressed by that last line, and I aspire to the level of self-confidence it must have taken for her to be able to write that
- www.opaltometi.org
- Employee Burnout: The Biggest Myth
- New Logo for Facebook, Inc. done In-house with Dalton Maag and Saffron
Feels corporate... which I guess was the point.
- SPAC Attack: everything a founder or investor should know - luttig's learnings
- Medical schools need to do much more to protect students of color from racism
"However, a part of me wishes that I didn’t have to be in so many meetings or on so many task forces, committees, and email chains. It was an extra burden that I and many Black students take on to make the experience better for those who come behind us. It’s time now for medical schools to take on more of the responsibility for making our campuses places where all students feel equally welcome."
- The Baby-Sitters Club Is Back—And This Time, They Have Cell Phones
Definitely binged this. Nostalgia!
- Good for Us All
Structural racism in medicine affects Black doctors as well as patients
- A blessing and a curse: The rich history behind ‘Black Twitter’
This article should be expanded into a book about the history of the internet and culture
- Stop Sending Reaction GIFs of Black People If You're Not Black
I hadn't considered this.
- worldpositive.com
- Beautiful photo series of Koryo-Saram (ethnic Koreans from Soviet countries) in Brooklyn
- CMS creates an "Office of Burden Reduction" to reduce red tape for doctors
It kinda sounds just like more red tape, but maybe a good first step
- Third Base
"I have some talent and have worked really hard, but mostly my success is due to being born in the right place at the right time, and being a white heterosexual male. Coming of professional age as a white male in the nineties was the greatest economic arbitrage in history"
- How to Raise a Seed Round
- Restructure Your Organization to Actually Advance Racial Justice
Some ideas for going beyond performative allyship at the organizational level. By social psychologist Evelyn R. Carter, PhD
- mckinsey
- It’s Time for a New Kind of Electronic Health Record
- Making Good Decisions as a Product Manager
Addressed to product managers, but useful for unpacking decision paralysis more broadly
- What Has Happened to Me (PDF)
Comic based on the testimony of Mihrigul Tursun, a young Muslim Uyghur woman detained at a concentration camp by the Chinese government
- hbrascend.org
- https://tatianamac.com/about
- https://www.prettygooddesign.org/blog
- lg.substack.com
- The People Behind the Counter Are People
"My city is five boroughs, and each borough has many neighborhoods, and each neighborhood is made up of numerous blocks, and on each block, there are businesses, and in each one, there is a counter, and that’s where you and I meet."
- To Be More Creative, Schedule Your Breaks
Task switching!
- Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs Taught Me to Break Free from the Model Minority Myth
- The Devastating Decline of a Brilliant Young Coder
Interesting profile of one of Cloudflare's founders. Spoiler alert: he has frontotemporal dementia
- 7 Leadership Lessons Men Can Learn from Women
- That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief
via @glass
- Support your local bookstore, if you're willing and able, during the pandemic (I just bought a couple hardcovers from McNally Jackson)
- A Photographer’s Parents Wave Farewell
- Photos from Chris Glass's 2016 trip to Japan. What a slice of life!
- Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya—Multidisciplinary Artist
- A staggering 90% of health outcomes may be at least partially attributed to social determinants of health (food insecurity, lack of housing access, transportation issues, issues with utilities like water and electricity, interpersonal violence)
- The 1619 Project
"Out of slavery — and the anti-black racism it required — grew nearly everything that has truly made America exceptional: its economic might... its diet and popular music, the inequities of its public health and education... the example it sets for the world as a land of freedom and equality... and the endemic racial fears and hatreds that continue to plague it to this day."
- The Signature Noodle Dish in 'Parasite' Tells a Complicated Class Story
- Public Health Programs | Vital Strategies
- About Us – Apoteker Tepe
- Pink bags of Chinatown
- Image Optimization | Web Fundamentals | Google Developers
- Andrew Leguay Folio20
- Pentagram redesigns Dashlane's logo and identity
Thoughts: love the typeface, confused by the logo (and after reading about the rationale behind the rebranding, am still confused)
- "[T]he more of a noob you are locally, the less of a noob you are globally"
Nice concise piece on, essentially, growth mindset
- How young, well-funded Chinese entrepreneurs are re-branding Chinese food
- Podcast with Mike Botta | Sesame - The Pulse by Wharton Digital Health - Medium
- "Don’t add process unless it removes a meeting" and other solid advice for early startup employees
- The signoff to this letter imploring Oprah to remove American Dirt as her book club pick = my new reading list
- www.medtronic.com
- 1.2 million voters in a Seattle-area district will be able to cast their ballots by smartphone. Neat!
- Race Isn't a Risk Factor in Maternal Health. Racism Is.
I think about this headline a lot (in relation to things other than maternal health)
- Why black doctors like me are leaving academic medicine
"I find it ironic that Black faculty members are unfairly tasked with the complex and overwhelming chore of remedying the structural outcomes of centuries of institutionalized racism that we did not create in the first place."
- 24 things that need to be redesigned, from EMRs (clunky and unusable) to cuddling (where do you put the bottom arm?)
- Trapped in while dining out: When white people make me part of their show by food writer Osayi Endolyn
"I believe that too many white people... struggle... when in the vicinity of blackness, when they are neither the authority figure, nor the host or hostess, nor the most important guest in the room."
- Quiz: How Does Your Diet Contribute to Climate Change?
Nice way to visualize and understand an individual diet's impact
- The notion of corporate social responsibility is becoming more mainstream—but it's still not enough
- Who owns what in nyc?
Neat open-source web app "for community organizers and tenant leaders to demystify property ownership and shell company networks across New York City"
- On Jan. 11, Rapper Noname Wants You To Register For A Library Card
- I’ll Share My Salary Information if You Share Yours
- How to Ensure Your Health Care Innovation Doesn’t Flop
Inventions are not innovations, and sometimes we don’t need to innovate, we just need to improve.
- tweetmugz.com
- The portfolio of Jon Arne Berg
- www-forbes-com.cdn.ampproject.org
- What is The Cat Meme, and Why Is That Woman Yelling? An Explanation of the Hilarious Viral Moment
I just read this whole article.
- Elite Universities Are Breeding Grounds for Insecure Overachievers
Sounds a bit like medical school
- White Oak Vertical Bike RACK - ARTIFOX
- White Wall SHELF - ARTIFOX
- Your First 90 Days in IT
This series was written for IT managers, but has a lot of good tips for the first 90 days of any new job
- Doctors and techies are clashing at digital health companies, and one start-up exec is seeking a fix
- Working Parents: Does Your Schedule Reflect Your Values?
I'm not a working parent, but this is useful for anybody who wants more balance in their life
- Salary or Equity
Break down your startup's offer letter
- CAPTURED: People in Prison Drawing People Who Should Be
- Baltimore Museum of Art will only acquire works from women next year: "You have to do something radical"
- How Small Habits Can Lead to Big Changes
I like this one: "Set aside a specific time (even 5 minutes) each day or week dedicated to worry time"
- Watch This 9-Year-Old Girl Drum Her Heart Out To Nirvana's 'In Bloom'
- (Video) New Yorkers Trying to Cross the Street During the NYC Marathon
- Child Abusers Run Rampant as Tech Companies Look the Other Way
This is incredibly disturbing
- Getting Started - Hammer.js
- The simplest explanation of machine learning you’ll ever read
Bonus points for cats!
- Understanding the difference between Growth Equity and Venture Capital
- Our Hospital’s New Software Frets About My ‘Deficiencies’
Epic is decidedly not
- I Accidentally Uncovered a Nationwide Scam on Airbnb
This is fascinating (not least in that it shows how much reporting can be done simply by online research)
- How American Health Care Killed My Father
"There needs to be a business reason why an industry, year in and year out, would be able to get away with poor customer service, unaffordable prices, and uneven results—a reason my father and so many others are unnecessarily killed."
- Discrimination, Abuse, Harassment, and Burnout in Surgical Residency Training
- Why and how to keep your options open
Two words: option value
- How One Company Got Employees to Speak Up and Ask for Help
“Newbies don’t need to be singled out. They don’t need special support. They need to see that even their most successful colleagues need help sometimes.” This could be applicable to training young doctors, too
- A health care algorithm affecting millions is biased against black patients
Algorithms are biased because *people* are biased...
- Diversity Isn't Enough: Cultivating a Sense of Belonging at Work
- The Pulse, Yearbook : Rush University Rush Medical College (Chicago, Ill.) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
- The Greatest White Privilege Is Life Itself
- DIY Hardcover Book | Case Bookbinding Tutorial | Sea Lemon - YouTube
- grouchpotato - ok i meant to do this earlier but i was too busy...
- Set up an SSH key - Atlassian Documentation
- Tracee Ellis Ross Was Never Booked On A Late Night Show During 'Girlfriends'
- Fluffy Jiggly Japanese Cheesecake Recipe by Tasty
- The Resilience of Costco (slide deck)
This is fascinating
- Ten Reasons Folks Should Care About the Hyde Amendment
It's more than a little ridiculous that we still need to make a case for reproductive justice, but this is a good list
- Tumbled
Interesting deconstruction of the decline of Tumblr that ends in a pontification of why Democrats might lose the 2020 election: "We lose the election by howling at the moon about poor water quality at night, and pissing in the well during the workday."
- Why It Matters That ‘Emily Doe’ in the Brock Turner Case Is Asian-American
- Google’s new focus on well-being started five years ago with this presentation
Not sure how ethical Google is, but Tristan Harris's work in designing human technology, and his full slide deck posted here, are worth a gander
- How Loss Aversion Dominates Your Life
- Designing women: Essay
(About women in design, not Delta Burke)
- touch bar apps
- Prototype the Future of Your Business With This 4-Step Design Exercise
"[R]ather than viewing the future as something that happens to you and can’t be controlled, you adopt the mindset that you can influence what happens, asking, 'What future do we want to create? And how do we reverse engineer the pathway to get there?'"
- For 2nd Year In A Row Uninsured Rate Among Children Rises
This is not okay
- The Rising U.S. Maternal Mortality Rate Demands Action from Employers
"The business community has a unique opportunity to leverage its health care purchasing power to improve maternity care"
- An FBI Behaviour Expert Explains How to Quickly Build Trust With Anyone
"You can also project confidence in a conversation by making eye contact for about 60 to 70 percent of your interaction with someone." Got it *sets timer*
- Tech’s Best Feature: The Off Switch
"Every week, it’s like a valve of pressure releases from the daily bombardment of interesting facts, articles, and tidbits I consume daily as I travel on this info-rocket of discovery, procrastination, productivity and then, eventually overload."
- work.co
- NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project
- The Quiet Power of Sound Design
I learned a word: skeuomorphism = designing things to mimic their real-world counterparts (e.g. the sound of crumpled-up paper hitting a wastebasket when you move a file to Trash)
- An IDEO Recruiter’s 3 Strategies for Writing a Better Resume
- 40 Favorite Interview Questions from Some of the Sharpest Folks We Know
- What does the panopticon mean in the age of digital surveillance?
Don’t mind me; I’m just spending a Saturday morning casually googling “panopticon”
- Best Craft CMS Websites | Web Design Inspiration
- Library of Congress Aesop Fables
- This is a Real Photo of Food Cut Into Perfect Cubes
Incredibly pleasing and soothing
- Neuroscience can explain why some logo redesigns flop
- BangBros buys porn doxxing site, torches hard drives in the site's first SFW video
Chaotic good
- The story of Save the Ales, an all-female microbrewery in Kyrgyzstan
- Responsive Images Tutorial | HTML & CSS Is Hard
- How To Use SFTP to Securely Transfer Files with a Remote Server | DigitalOcean
- About — Within
- Hey Cyclists: Be Nice to Pedestrians | Outside Online
"...we have much more in common with pedestrians than we do with motorists... so when someone on a bike affronts a pedestrian it feels like more of a personal betrayal."
- Built By Buffalo | Award Winning Web Design & Creative Agency
- User Guide — Certbot 0.38.0.dev0 documentation
- How do I transfer my live site to DreamHost? – DreamHost
- Properly aligning and wrapping image captions – MikeDoesWeb
- Many Genes Influence Same-Sex Sexuality, Not a Single ‘Gay Gene’
- No distractions -- An NFL veteran opens up on his sexuality
I didn't know who this was, but this is important, and beautifully written
- G7 Summit gives $251 million to support African women entrepreneurs
According to the African Development Bank Group, sub-Saharan Africa has the highest proportion of women entrepreneurs (1 in 4), and women reinvest up to 90% of their income to their communities (compared with 40% for men)
- Know Your Customers’ “Jobs to Be Done”
- The Best Managers Understand Their Employees’ Emotions—And Their Own
- Uncovering the Jobs That Cause Customers to Hire Products and Services
- Reed Hastings: Building an Iconic Company - YouTube
- What is Jobs to be Done?
- I’m a female surgeon. I feel uncomfortable telling girls they can be one, too.
- MTV VMAs 2019: Watch Missy Elliott’s Incredible Career-Spanning Performance | Pitchfork
- Why are products for older people so ugly?
- We Need to Talk About How We Talk About Creativity and Mental Health
Skimmed this; saving it for later
- Multidisciplinary Design Consultancies
- Why Doctors Should Organize
- Where did the web’s personality go?
- An Interview with Lily Waite, founder of The Queer Brewing Project
"Whilst it is shaking off its bearded-bro image, there’s still relatively little positive representation of LGBTQ people, and if you can’t see it, you can’t be it"
- State gun laws, graded from A to F
Stronger gun laws = lower gun violence mortality. Why are we still debating this?
- Jasper is A Person
- Creative Types by Adobe Create
I got the "thinker": "You can see the big picture and the deeper meaning of almost any situation in a way that few others can. Your biggest challenges? Getting out of your head and learning to balance theory with practice"
- Lizzo: Tiny Desk Concert
- Citing a Shortage of Black Doctors, Career Mechanic Becomes One at Age 47: 'You Can Do it, This is Totally Possible'
- Pink seesaws reach across the divide at US-Mexico border
- What Are Eichlers and Why Do People Love Them?
Fun facts: Eichler was a developer, not an architect, and he was from the Bronx, not California
- Mellody Hobson of Ariel Investments: "Capitalism Needs to Work for Everyone"
File under "Interesting people I should have known about before now"
- Even Top Workplaces face problems with diversity and pay gaps
Lots of examples of actionable (and mostly simple) solutions here: offer higher referral bonuses for new female recruits, increase transparency of the path to promotion, publicize pay gaps to help create accountability, set salary at 90-100% of market rate
- No more 'manholes': Berkeley, California, removing all gendered language from city code
- The High Price of Multitasking
"People will choose to multitask. But we should, at the very least, be fully aware of how that choice affects us and the potential consequences for ourselves and others."
- Why Doctors Are Drowning in Medical School Debt
- (Video) Golden Girls Gospel Remix
Sometimes I pull this up if I'm feeling sad
- To Reduce Hospital Noise, Researchers Create Alarms That Whistle and Sing
"A cardiac monitor rang out in a tone close to the musical note of C, clashing with a distant device wailing in a high-pitched F sharp, creating what’s called the devil’s interval, a dissonance so chilling that medieval churches forbade it"
- Patients whose surgeons had more reports of unprofessional behavior by colleagues have up to 14% higher complication rates postoperatively
- An Updated Toolkit to Address Burnout
"Stress + Rest = Growth. Respect all parts of this equation."
- Trump’s plan would make government stupid
"This is not about partisan politics; it is about making decisions based on the best available information."
- Drop caps & design systems: A story about making things 1% better
- Keanu Reeves Keeps His Hands to Himself
Good job Keanu
- How queer and trans Asian American groups are reshaping Pride
- Amazon S3 Permission problem - How to set permissions for all files at once? - Stack Overflow
- Portfolio Company: Everything You Need to Know
- Getting to know the Google Cloud Healthcare API: Part 1 | Google Cloud Blog
- demo/templates at master · craftcms/demo · GitHub
- A Small Orange | Never Had To Fight
sudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/yourdomain.com/privkey.pem ~/Desktop/privkey.pem
- NSDateFormatter.com - Easy Skeezy Date Formatting for Swift and Objective-C
- Fighting the Gender Stereotypes That Warp Biomedical Research - The New York Times
- Command not found when using MYSQL from the command line on osx – A little tech blog
- nystudio107 | Database & Asset Syncing Between Environments in Craft…
- Securing Craft | Craft CMS
- Launch Sublime Text 2 or 3 from the Mac OSX Terminal - AshleyNolan.co.uk - Blog and Portfolio for Ashley Nolan
- Set up an SSH key - Atlassian Documentation
- How do I move my local Git repository to a remote Git repository - Stack Overflow
- Best Template Setup for Twig and Craft CMS - Mijingo
- Craft CMS: The (very) basics of templating - Chief
- devMode.fm // Website Deployment without Tears
- deployment - SOLVED: Best way to deploy Craft 3 to webserver? - Craft CMS Stack Exchange
- Git Cheat Sheet
- Git - Book
- Thing I didn't know was missing from my life: NYC Parks has a Street Tree Map of every tree on every block
- Proactivity - Character Lab
- Why You Need a Local Testing Server (and How To Do It) - DWUser.com Education Center
- Setting up MAMP with custom domains! – Thomas Large – Medium
- Tutorials for Craft CMS - Straight Up Craft
- Stanford Surgical Resident Auriel August Discusses The Critical Need For More Diversity in Medicine
- Good design | About Vitsœ | Vitsœ
- 100+ Years of Design Manifestos -- Social Design Notes
- Healthcare Furniture - Herman Miller
- (Video) IDEO and a Story of Design
- link.medium.com
- How did Elizabeth Holmes get onto the Harvard Medical School Board of Fellows? Because they wanted to believe in a young brilliant woman entrepreneur
- Privileged | By Kyle Korver
- A Japanese medical school has been systematically marking down test results of women applicants since 2006 to exclude them from getting admitted
- Asian women in Bergen County, New Jersey, live an average of 91 years, longer than any other ethnic subgroup in the US
- Chinese takeout is a staple of American culture built on the backs of immigrant restaurant workers, who themselves are excluded from American culture
- (Video) Powers of Ten from the Eames's is incredibly therapeutic
- www.linkedin.com
- link.medium.com
- Ten Things I Have Learned, by Milton Glaser
- Okay, maybe Facebook isn't entirely a trash fire... Texas elementary school principal Belinda George reads kids bedtime stories in pajamas on Facebook Live to encourage literacy and strengthen the connection between home and school
- Rappers I Thought Were Asian (I'd add Raekwon the Chef to this list)
- Yu Gwansun was a 16 year old activist who organized her community to protest against Japanese occupation, was arrested, tortured, and died in prison at age 17. Today is the 100th anniversary of the March 1 Korean Independence Movement
- Limiting Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram use to 10 minutes a day correlated with decreased rates of depression and loneliness in college students. Related: Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport
The upper echelon is hoarding money and privilege to a degree not seen in decades. But that doesn’t make them happy at work.
- Michelle Zauner (Japanese Breakfast) talks about her mom's Korean recipes and her Asian-American identity
- Jia Jiang: What I learned from 100 days of rejection | TED Talk
- [TUTORIAL] The Beginner’s Guide to Creating Planner Layouts using InDesign | Pretty Fabulous Designs Blog
- Judges and legal databases aren't sure how to deal with emoji; one judge rules against tenants who sent landlord a string of emoji including a champagne bottle, a squirrel, and a comet, but then rented another apartment
- Air travel in New York is tedious at best—this redesign of AirTrain wayfinding signs at JFK Airport by @adamfc is a perfect example of the importance of designing useful mental models for end users
- VIDEO: After Parkland, Teens Talk About Guns in America : NPR
- I've never listened to his music, but this is a fascinating, well-written, and sad profile of Brooklyn rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine
- "...urban cycling investments tend to focus on the needs of wealthy riders and neglect lower-income residents and people of color."
- I just discovered that there is a website with articles and recipes for grilling entitled "Hey Grill Hey". Sometimes the internet is wonderful
- Nashville hot chicken was invented and perfected by the Princes, a black family that still owns and runs the business today (but sees no royalties from the multiple spinoffs and elevated versions worldwide)
- Why do NYC subway conductors lean out the window and point at every station? It's a built-in safety measure to ensure all doors line up with the platform
- There is a woman in her 90s named Barbara Knickerbocker-Beskind who is vision-impaired from macular degeneration and designs products for the elderly with IDEO
- Voices shake and change pitch when we're nervous because of a stress response affecting the vocal cords, and there's an easy exercise that can help combat it
- Empathy in medical students declines significantly in the third year, and the transformation is similar to that seen in battered child syndrome
- Chicago woman books hotel rooms and makes care packages for homeless people, raises $10,000 for the cause, says, "I am a regular person. It all sounded like a rich person did this, but I’m just a little black girl from the South Side"
- Minding the Gap is a documentary about domestic violence, child abuse, race and class in America, and masculinity—disguised as a skateboard film
- Orthopedic surgeons don’t tell people to avoid exercise to lower knee injury risk, so what’s the evidence for telling people to avoid sunlight to reduce skin cancer risk?
- (Video) If an apartment could be a person, Amy Sedaris’s apartment is exactly what an apartment would be if it were Amy Sedaris
- (Video) A boy and his grandpa, who has stage IV lung cancer, talk honestly about death. File under wholesome
- (PDF) Study: white people can't tell real smiles from fake ones in black people, failure to make sustained eye contact appears to contribute—and directing white people to focus on eyes helps correct the bias
- Not sure where we stand on the political correctness of "disabled"? (I wasn't.) This is a helpful perspective on "differently abled" as a stigmatizing euphemism
- Italian NIH president resigns, saying government is ignoring evidence and taking an "antiscientific" approach to vaccines, compares to Trump administration ban on "evidence based"
- Gimmicky convenience devices deemed "useless" or "lazy" (like banana slicers and Roombas) can actually help people with disabilities be more independent
- Solving physician burnout requires so much more than self-care
- Why Kids Tell Weird, Unfunny Jokes
- CSS Grid for Designers – Times Open
- Who Was Hilma Af Klint?: At The Guggenheim, Paintings By An Artist Ahead Of Her Time
- www.nationalgeographic.com
- Why Doctors Hate Their Computers
- Kelly Marie Tran: I Won’t Be Marginalized by Online Harassment
- When "Mandatory Fun" Isn't Fun
I <3 boundaries
- 'It's great to be niche. It also sucks': inside the grind of queer publishing
- A Mandarin Duck Mysteriously Appears in Central Park, to Birders’ Delight
This is so weird and wonderful
- The Joy of Cooking for One
- Viral mom’s #HimToo post about her Navy vet son backfires incredibly
Possibly my favorite good news story of the week
- White Women, Come Get Your People
“These are the kind of women who think that being falsely accused of rape is almost as bad as being raped.”
- A Young Activist’s Advice: Vote, Shave Your Head and Cry Whenever You Need To
- A Nobel Prize-winning physicist sold his medal for $765,000 to pay medical bills
- How Much To Give And Take In Relationships
- 50 Things Rich People & Poor People Have In Common
- RBG: Betsy West and Julie Cohen’s New Documentary Is a Love Story, Too
Took a gander at this doc last night. She is beyond legend
- Why I Wear My Hanbok
Beautifully written
- There Is a Hidden Epidemic of Doctors Abusing Women in Labor, Doulas Say
- Everyone Uses Singular 'They,' Whether They Realize It Or Not
"The only problem with singular "they" is that some people still think there is one."
- Ex-UN chief Ban Ki-moon says US healthcare system is 'morally wrong'
- 7 Roles. 14 Actors. 2 Languages. 1 Stage.
Caught this opening last night. Extremely visceral. Every play should have a shadow cast
- Seen Black Mirror? Let's talk about the Sesame Score
That’s terrifying. Also, neat infographic!
- It’s decorative gourd season, motherfuckers
- Sophia Chang Ain’t Nothing to Fuck Wit’
- Daily Itinerary of the Token Asian Girl from TV
I chuckled.
- Angélique Kidjo - Once In A Lifetime (Talking Heads)
She really did that!
- The Purest Form of Bike Angel
Guy spends his free time rebalancing Citi Bikes. Fascinating dive into bike shares and incentivizing, plus a quirky profile. “I’ll see what these spicy charred brussels sprouts are all about”
- Broadway’s Biggest Debut: King Kong
Insane animatronics
- Watch: Missy Elliott Surprises 'Funky White Sister' With 'Work It' Duet
All right, this is pretty great
- Saved on 9/11, by the Man in the Red Bandanna
- Can Mark Zuckerberg Fix Facebook Before It Breaks Democracy?
Great dad joke: "Ed Zuckerberg marketed himself as the Painless Dr. Z, and later drummed up dentistry business with a direct-mail solicitation that declared, 'I am literally the Father of Facebook!'"
- Horrifying New Podcast 'Dr. Death' Tells the True Story of a Killer Surgeon
What strikes me most is not how sensational this story is, but rather how familiar—an arrogant, inadequate surgeon with complete lack of self-awareness
- Louis C.K. and the Men Who Keep Getting What They Want
- The Comedy-Destroying, Soul-Affirming Art of Hannah Gadsby
“I don’t want people to look at me and go, see, queer people, this is how it’s done. It’s like, no, this is how it shouldn’t have to be done.”
- You’re Pronouncing the Names of These Popular Drinks All Wrong
- Crying in H Mart
Beautifully written
- The Social Worker Who Became an Accidental Fashion Icon
- Nail Salon Brawls & Boycotts: Unpacking The Black-Asian Conflict In America
"When Asians internalize and perpetuate anti-Black racism and violence, we are reifying our complicity and driving a deeper wedge between the minority groups."
- Caring for Your Introvert
Fifteen years on and still relevant
- If It Needs a Sign, It’s Probably Bad Design
- The Sad State of Product Design and Innovation in Healthcare
- What Does Envelope Design Teach Us about Bad Healthcare Design?
- Alternate Rom-Com Endings if the Heroines had Therapists
"Pretty Woman: Vivian begins seeing a therapist who helps her realize that taking her to see an opera about a dying sex worker with a slut-shamey rich boyfriend is a pretty manipulative move. Plus that whole thing with snapping her fingers in the jewelry box."
- Niko – Most Modest
Beautifully-designed power outlet
- Shawna X on The Great Discontent (TGD)
- I’m a Doctor and Even I Can’t Afford My Student Loans
- New York LLC - Free Operating Agreement
- 3 Steps to Becoming an S Corporation
- Forming An S-Corporation To Reduce Self-Employment Taxes — My Money Blog
- New York | LLC, Business License | incorporate.com
- What’s An S-Corporation, And How Do You Form One? - QuickBooks
- 15 Ways to Use Bacon Fat
- ‘Crazy Rich Asians’: Read the Letter That Convinced Coldplay to Allow "Yellow" in the Movie
- Crazy Rich Asians’ Michelle Yeoh Has Kicked Ass for Three Decades
- What was really happening in Crazy Rich Asians’ pivotal mahjong scene
There's levels to this
- Women's Pockets are Inferior
I've complained about this for years. Finally, the receipts!
- The Actor Who Played Robocop Is Now an Art Historian
2018 is wild
- WS (@wesleysnipes)
Giving me life this week. So much positivity, even in the comments
- One More Time, with Energy - Yrsa Daley-Ward
I want to clap a thousand times for this
- NYU Makes Tuition Free for All Medical Students
This is a good start to reforming medical education (open in incognito mode to read story in full if not a subscriber)
- Lessons from 'The Bleeding Edge': If you see something, say something
- 27 ways to get better at public speaking
- What is Cryptocurrency: Everything You Need To Know [Ultimate Guide]
- Queering the Map
Cool web thing
- The 7-Step Guide To Achieving Inbox Zero—And Staying There—In 2018
Never thought I would care about this sort of thing but alas
- The 25 best icebreaker questions for team-building at work
Can I just use this to talk to people?
- With 10 Short Words, This Airline Passenger Taught an Incredible Lesson in Emotional Intelligence…
- The Platinum Patients
- Men are from Chelsea, Women are from Park Slope
How gayborhoods in 15 major American cities are divided by gender
- Hate delivering negative feedback at work? 19 phrases to help make giving difficult feedback easier
- Captain Tara Wright and First Officer Mallory Cave Make Alaska Airlines History as its 1st African-American Female Flight Crew
- Who is the Poor Historian?
Spoiler alert: it's the doctor. From JAMA 1984
- Lede-Buried Voicemails From Your Mom
This made me chuckle
- How To Schedule Your Day For Peak Creative Performance
This is great. I’m also in the middle of Twyla Tharp’s The Creative Habit—creativity isn’t a lightning strike; it’s setting up structures for yourself to maximize it
- Why I Call My Male Friends ‘King’
- The Reasonableness of “Being Reachable” – Kris Gage
Spoiler alert: it's unreasonable.
- The Structure of Stand-Up Comedy: Ali Wong
- Peak-End Rule: Why You Make Terrible Life Choices
- www.washingtonpost.com
- Is the Quest to Build a Kinder, Gentler Surgeon Misguided?
- www.ideo.com
- It’s Time for Apple to Build a Less Addictive iPhone
- How Technology Hijacks People’s Minds — from a Magician and Google’s Design Ethicist
- Take control of your phone.
Some good tips here. I've tried the grayscale thing and it helps make the phone less interesting. The app Moment is also helpful
- The town that’s found a potent cure for illness – community
Everything old is new again
- The Kitchen Designer Who Helped Women Get Out of the Kitchen
- It’s Hot to Be Unapologetically Black... Until It’s Presented Like Tiffany Haddish
- To stay relevant, Black Mirror has to change how dystopian fiction works
"What if phones, but too much?"
- I have cancer. Don't tell me you're sorry
Sharp perspective from Prozac Nation author Elizabeth Wurtzel
- Aziz, We Tried to Warn You
"If you’re fretting about the perceived overreach of #MeToo, maybe start by examining the ways you’ve upheld the stigmatization of feminism."
- A Refuge for Jae-in Doe: Fugues in the Key of English Major
Beautiful piece (and perhaps the cleverest essay title I've seen all year)
- Butcher Billy's Tales of the Unexpected Black Mirrors
These are so, SO excellent
- Baked Eggnog Cheesecake with Maple Caramel - Sweetest Menu
- Tiffany Haddish on Nasty Men, Her ‘S.N.L.’ Feat and ‘Girls Trip’
Tiffany Haddish is a national treasure
- At Veterans Hospital in Oregon, a Push for Better Ratings Puts Patients at Risk, Doctors Say
Selection bias...
- Bubble_T, NYC’s Queer Asian Dance Party
Represent! <3
- 'Black Mirror' Season 4 Review: 'USS Callister'
Loved that ending
- Schiphol Airport’s savvy design shows flying can actually be enjoyable
- Photographing Ikea, Some Assembly Required
- This Is a Man Problem
"We have to focus on recognizing an imbalance of power during sexual dynamics so that men better understand the implicit 'no' even when women don’t feel empowered to articulate a 'no.'"
- Slashed Beauty: On Female Masks in The Skin I Live In, Eyes Without a Face, and Under the Skin
"Put another way: women aren’t the stories you think their bodies tell you. Our bodies aren’t battlegrounds for your life lessons."
- The Gender Politics of Pockets
- Lupita Nyong’o: Speaking Out About Harvey Weinstein
- Cameroonian artist and Japanese designer collab for stunning Kimono line
- #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen, Part 2: On Rose McGowan and the Continued Failure of White Feminism
- Black Woman Tarana Burke Founded The "Me Too" Movement
- The Problem with the #MeToo Campaign
"The problem is not that women have trouble considering themselves victims of sexual violence, but that men have trouble considering themselves the aggressor."
- I was not protected from Harvey Weinstein. It’s time for institutional change
I like that this opinion piece has action points. Thanks Jenny Schecter
- What Is an Irish Exit? Why an Irish Goodbye Is Actually Not That Rude
"It boils down to this: People really don't care if you leave. You aren't Prince William making a grand exit out of cotillion. You are nobody... When you leave, the party will continue." THANK you
- Before the Internet
- Firearm-Related Injury and Death — A U.S. Health Care Crisis in Need of Health Care Professionals
"Don’t be silent. We don’t need more moments of silence to honor the memory of those who have been killed. We need to honor their memory by preventing a need for such moments. As health care professionals, we don’t throw up our hands in defeat because a disease seems to be incurable. We work to incrementally and continuously reduce its burden. That’s our job."
- Death at a Penn State Fraternity
Toxic masculinity ruins the party again. Solid reporting that gives life to a tired subject
- The cultural differences between East and West, according to one artist
- This Is What Being 30 Looks Like Around The World
- Reasons Your City is the Greatest City in the Known Universe
- Good Riddance to an Abusive Creep
One of the best pieces I've read on Hugh Hefner and his "legacy"
- Escaping e-mail hell
The bit about avoiding "squishy" words spoke to me in particular
- Do You Know How Others See You?
Interesting piece on external and internal self-awareness. Added the book (Insight, Tasha Eurich) to my reading list
- Excerpts from the All-Girl Remake of “Lord of the Flies”
“And another thing,” Jackie said. “Should we have a rule that whoever has the conch gets to speak? You know, so no one gets interrupted?” "But who,” ventured Simone, “is here to interrupt us?”
- It’s levels to this shit.
Poignant essay from a transracial adoptee on depression, feeling unwanted, and resilience over both
- This Is How Sexism Works in Silicon Valley
I pre-ordered the book before I even finished the article
- Same job, some are called “entrepreneurs,” others are treated like criminals
"What’s the difference between little white girls selling lemonade and little black boys selling water?"
- The best weekend activities are most likely not the ones you're currently doing
"We need to be as vigilant about the quality of our free time as we are about the quality of our work."
- Technology is impairing our ability to be alone, research shows. Here’s how to reap the benefits of solitude - The Washington Post
- Serena Williams on Her Pregnancy, Finding Love, and More
A jock and a nerd fall in love...
- The Fierce Triumph of Loneliness
"A paired life is not an aspirational state, but a compromised one. Loneliness is not the terror we escape; it is instead the reward we give up when we believe something else to be worth the sacrifice."
- In 'Drop Out Club,' desperate doctors counsel each other on quitting
Nice piece by Sarah Kwon on physician burnout
- Sorry for the Delayed Response
This is too real
- “Positive thinking” has turned happiness into a duty and a burden, says a Danish psychologist
- Do You Want to Be Known For Your Writing, or For Your Swift Email Responses? How Patriarchy Has Fucked Up Your Priorities
- Henry C. Pinkham - Columbia University
- The Brief Life And Tragic Death Of Akai Gurley
This made me cry. Imagine if the shooting death of every young black man were covered in this manner.
- Once upon a time, being a doctor was great. Not anymore
Wish I could have taken care of patients in that world
- Welcome to the America Black People Have Always Lived In
"Trust me, you’ll get used to racist white guys giving jobs to all their underqualified white friends."
- When Evidence Says No, but Doctors Say Yes
"Just do the surgery. None of us are going to be upset with you for doing the surgery. Your bank account’s not going to be upset with you for doing the surgery.”
- Medical students need to be quizzed, but ‘pimping’ isn’t effective
"Continuing to include pimping as part of evaluating medical students does not reward them for learning. Instead, it punishes them for doing so by highlighting what they did not know, and uses that lapse to represent their clinical performance more broadly."
- Kristen Stewart Is “Like, So Gay Dude” On SNL And We’re All Dead
So great!
- Care for the Vulnerable vs. Cash for the Powerful — Trump’s Pick for HHS
I am in favor of giving doctors a voice in government, but advancing physicians' economic interests at the expense of patients is not the solution to the healthcare crisis
- The Art of the Interview
I conducted my first interview yesterday—found this article afterwards in an effort to improve
- New Years Resolutions for Introverts
A thousand times yes
- Hipsters Broke My Gaydar
Brooklyn broke my gaydar.
- Lorena Bobbitt Is Done Being Your Punchline
It must be both cathartic and infuriating to Lorena that only now is her side of the story being told, 20+ years on. Shows that the media has made some progress (and by extension we as a society) but there's still a long way to go
- In the Chappaqua woods, a search for Hillary Clinton
"A couple weeks later, Ellen, who calls herself 'the Sacagawea of the Arboretum,' let Phoebe off her leash." What a sentence
- No Doctor Should Work 30 Straight Hours Without Sleep
We keep saying this, but the voices of those who are actually doing it are not being heard
- Removing gender bias from algorithms
- How Clever Design Makes A 350-Square-Foot Apartment Feel Luxurious
- 'Black Mirror' Recap: 'Nosedive' Is a Sharp Satire About Social Media
This episode made me very uncomfortable
- Tomi Lahren Extended Interview with Trevor Noah
I disagree with almost all of Lahren's rhetoric, but she is clearly informed, articulate, and does bring up some interesting points. Also, she is extremely brave for going, as she says, into the "lion's den", and Trevor should be commended for inviting her
- The Sobering Female Rivalry of Mackenzie Davis's New Film, 'Always Shine'
Um... maybe I completely misinterpreted San Junipero, but "female friendship" is NOT how I would describe Yorkie and Kelly's interactions
- Bringing the Power of Platforms to Health Care
- How Design Thinking Turned One Hospital into a Bright and Comforting Place
"The first step in any design-thinking process is to understand the end-user’s experience." Designers get it. Healthcare does not
- A Conversation with Jia Tolentino
I just got a ton of reading recommendations
- Turns Out, Rory Gilmore Is Not a Good Journalist
"She sleeps with a source. She falls asleep while talking to another one. It’s no wonder she hasn’t won her Pulitzer yet." Savage! But true.
- How Cubans Live as Long as Americans at a Tenth of the Cost
"As a poor country, Cuba can’t afford to equivocate... This pressure seems to have created efficiency. Instead of pouring money into advanced medical technology, the system is forced to keep people healthy."
- 50 Blogging tools to help you work smarter, write faster and become irresistible to your readers
- The Attorney Fighting Revenge Porn
“I wish it wasn’t always ‘As the father of a daughter’ or ‘As the husband of a wife.’ I wish it were ‘This kind of assault on someone’s dignity bothers me as a human being with a soul and a conscience.’ ”
- Rory from ‘Gilmore Girls’ Is Actually the Worst
A bit harsh, but not entirely untrue... watching the show now makes me realize how naïve I was loving it blindly as a teenager
- Hillary Clinton Spotted at Rhode Island Bookstore
Good for her!
- Wine Project
Photographer snaps people before and after they've had 1, 2, and 3 glasses of wine. I love this!
- When Eve and Eve Bit the Apple
A beautifully written and honest story, appropriately filed under Modern Love
- My Awesome Experience Starting a Family While Running a VC-backed Startup
This kind of narrative should be the norm, not the exception
- ‘San Junipero’: Let’s Talk About the Ending
Oof. Feels
- The More Doctors Interact, the Better Their Patients Do
Okay, but how do we encourage teamwork among doctors then?
- Former Refugee Ilhan Omar Makes History By Becoming First Somali-American Legislator
You did good, Minnesota. You did good
- I’m a Muslim, a woman and an immigrant. I voted for Trump.
I think this is the first well-thought-out and calmly expressed rationale for Donald Trump that I have seen in this entire election cycle. I disagree with her opinions but I respect her for sharing them to a Clinton-supporting audience. This kind of dialogue is what will move us forward
- Trump Exposes A Fatal Flaw In User-Friendly Design
- The perils of being a female, Asian fact checker in a tense election
- Louis CK is all in for Hillary
A bit late, but he still sums up my feelings on the whole thing (as always)
- Jessica Tarlov: Thank you, Hillary Clinton
Well said
- Who Believed in Trump, and Who Is to Blame
"The real question wasn’t how Trump won the support of fifty per cent of voters when we thought he had forty-five per cent. It was how tens of millions of Americans could see him as their champion in the first place."
- Brand New: Shipping Carrier Candidate Similarities
Ha. I'm with FedEx
- How black people built social media
- Jess Lee of Polyvore joins Sequoia Capital as its 11th investing partner
I love her story: from avid Polyvore user to Polyvore employee to Polyvore CEO to Sequoia investor
- Dear fellow doctors: Please play nice
I think I nodded so hard my head fell off
- John Lennon Interview (I Met The Walrus)
Incredible motion graphics
- The Dutch Reach: Clever Workaround to Keep Cyclists from Getting "Doored"
A true example of engineering safety with a simple but elegant solution at the systems level
- Great Content Is Still the Biggest Hurdle
Good writing is concentrated, vivid, incisive
- For Many Women, Trump’s ‘Locker Room Talk’ Brings Memories of Abuse
Reminds me of the saying that not all men hurt women, but all women have been hurt by men
- Our secret’s out. – VanMoof
Bicycle company reduces shipping damages by 80% simply by printing a picture of a flat-screen television on the outside of the box. Love it
- Donald and Billy on the Bus
"But here is the thing, the big thing, that Paul D. Ryan and Reince Priebus and Mike Pence and all the spineless Billy Bushes of the world (and plenty of progressive men too, for that matter) don’t understand: Most of you are no better than Mr. Trump; you are just more subtle."
- Democrats Are Pushing to Repeal the Hyde Amendment, but Their Efforts Will Likely Fail
Disappointing example of an important issue where the battleground is in Congress, not the White House
- The Qualities of an Introverted Leader
"If we keep prioritizing gregariousness over competency, work quality will not meet its potential." This high school student gets it—I wish I'd known about my own introversion (and that it's not necessarily a bad thing) at that age
- First baby born with novel three-parent embryo technique
How come nobody is talking about this technique to potentially help gay people conceive? Also, the closing sentence is a bit disturbing ("Dr. John Zhang, who led the scientific team, told New Scientist that the boy was born in Mexico because “there are no rules” there.")
- Ali Wong’s Radical Raunch
Hero. Also, this quote from her mom, when asked if Ali was funny growing up, is everything: “I don’t know. I had four kids. So I was busy.”
- CSS Floats Explained By Riding An Escalator
I've found the float property especially valuable in using CSS to replace HTML tables
- What I Said When My White Friend Asked for My Black Opinion on White Privilege
I'm reminded of that quote about how (I'm paraphrasing) non-black people shouldn't be surprised that black people are stereotypically "angry"; they should be shocked that they aren't MORE angry, given the transgressions they encounter on a daily basis
- How to schedule a meeting without being punched in the pancreas
A lot of this applies to social situations too. It bothers me when people ask to hang out but then have no thought about where or when to meet
- Animal therapy comforts traumatised Iraqi children
So many feels
- Teen Makes 'Sit With Us' App That Helps Students Find Lunch Buddies
Love positive stories about teenagers being innovative and proactive
- How Experts Can Help a General Audience Understand Their Ideas
Also for future reference.
- Cognitive bias cheat sheet
For future reference.
- Don't Call It 'The New Ramen': Why Pho Is Central To Vietnamese Identity
This reminds me of the video by that Harlem YouTuber kid who railed on white people for Columbusing chopped cheese
- The Best Way to Change Your Habits? Control Your Environment
It's hard to unlearn bad habits, and I often find that once I'm stuck in a rut of unproductivity, it's especially difficult to reset. I like the idea of "designing for laziness"
- The Child-Pugh score: Prognosis in chronic liver disease and cirrhosis [Classics Series] | 2 Minute Medicine
- Finding Classic Papers - Surgery Clerkship - Research Guides at Harvard Library
- Advocate Personality (INFJ, -A/-T)
"Advocates tend to see helping others as their purpose in life, but while people with this personality type can be found engaging rescue efforts and doing charity work, their real passion is to get to the heart of the issue so that people need not be rescued at all." Yes!
- How To Learn In 2 Days What Normally Takes 6 Months
The title is a bit click-baity (though admittedly I fell for it), but the suggestions are well-communicated and practical
- When Nirvana and Pearl Jam Stood Up for Feminism
Nirvana was one of my favorite bands when I was in seventh grade, before I knew what feminism was
- Why Are Babies So Dumb If Humans Are So Smart?
Great headline, interesting article
- Poka-yoke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Perfect Boiled Eggs
A scientifically-informed way to make a delicious boiled egg. This guy sure did a lot of—wait for it—EGGsperiments... *golf clap*
- For surgeons working in the OR, a flap over headwear
This is not an argument about headwear. This is about the increasing degradation of physician autonomy
- My Brother’s Pregnancy and the Making of a New American Family
Beautifully written story. Thanks to Chris Ilias for sharing
- Quiet Black Girls—and How We Fail Them
I'm not black, but as somebody who was seen as a "good student" because I was quiet and got good grades, I wonder how my life would be different if somebody had challenged me to do more
- Apartment Broker Recommends Brooklyn Residents Spend No More Than 150% Of Income On Rent
It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize this was satire
- Kenzo World, Director's Cut
If you thought that Spike Jonze directing a perfume ad would look like his video for Fatboy Slim's Weapon of Choice except with a young woman in place of Christopher Walken... you'd be absolutely right
- Stop Crowdsourcing Your Confidence
Likes on social media ≠ Likes IRL
- Gene Wilder Was Right: Gilda Radner Didn’t Have To Die, And We Need To Talk About Why She Did
Radner's ovarian cancer diagnosis, which eventually killed her at age 42, was delayed despite symptoms of vaginal bleeding, weight loss, pelvic pain, and infertility because of what sounds like misattribution to anxiety, depression, constipation, viral infection, and so on and so forth. It's easier to blame the individual doctors responsible, but the underlying problem is unconscious bias against gender medicine
- Today’s Vagenda by Sara Schaefer
She is hilarious. I love the podcast she hosted on becoming a "grown-ass woman"
- #MaybeHeDoesntHitYou public awareness campaign
"Maybe he is your boyfriend, dad, friend, or a she"
- Koreans drink less hard liquor, more soft alcohol: data
Korean drinking culture is fascinating. South Koreans consume 14 shots of liquor weekly on average, making them the #1 consumer of alcohol in the world
- Florida Hospitals to Cover Medical Bills for Pulse Shooting Victims
The cynic in me is suspicious of this, but I'm on board with the sentiment of generosity
- 50 Reasons Why Everyone Should Want More Walkable Streets
Nice list, though admittedly I've already drunk the Kool-Aid on this one. I spent the last week at my parents' in suburbia, where they literally don't even have sidewalks because it's that driver-centric, and it bummed me out so hard
- Katy Perry just exposed the attack on Leslie Jones for what it really is: Misogynoir
I learned a new word today
- What Improv Can Teach Tomorrow's Doctors
"...improvisation is less about acting and more about reacting—to others in a scene, to the audience, to the present ...skilled improvisation is merely the interpersonal equivalent of having insight and being adaptable."
- Swet Shop Boys' rap as protest: Riz Ahmed and Heems eat at an Indian buffet and talk about their upcoming album
Hold up. Riz Ahmed is British, a rapper, AND went to Oxford? I just assumed he was his character on The Night Of. Mind = blown
- What Trans Men See That Women Don't
I've had a close variant of this conversation with a couple of my friends who are trans guys. The accompanying video is also worth watching
- California Bill to Allow Rape Victims to Pursue Justice Without a Time Limit
That there is even a statute of limitations on rape to begin with is deplorable. I only recently learned that, from my favorite murder podcast (it's called My Favorite Murder podcast)
- Ethiopian runner makes protest sign as he crosses line in Rio
- Three Surprising, Science-Backed Ways To Improve Your Decision Making
1. Dim the lights; 2. Look at something moving clockwise; 3. Have a full bladder
- Apple Acquires Personal Health Data Startup Gliimpse
This is promising. Translating the usability of an iPhone to the electronic health record could singlehandedly revolutionize the practice of modern clinical medicine
- What we know about the health of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
Politics aside, Trump's letter reads like a boastful child describing himself. Clinton's reads like that of an actual physician
- The Brooklyn Museum to Launch a Year of Feminist-Focused Exhibitions
Totally on board for this
- White Male Privilege Is Why We Laugh At Lochte And Vilify Douglas
Interestingly, Lochte's statement shares the tone of another by a white male swimmer who recently got in trouble: Brock Turner. Lochte apologizes for "not being more careful and candid in how I described the events of that early morning," but not for lying. He says how "traumatic" it is to be "out with your friends in a foreign country", but won't admit that he fabricated the story about robbery at gunpoint. So too did Turner apologize for "the course of events" but won't admit that he was the sole perpetrator of those events, and so too does he turn the blame to drinking and "party culture"
- 5 things about medical record privacy as HIPAA turns 20
"When Congress passed HIPAA... in 1996, we still had paper medical records, no smart phones, and no cats with Instagram accounts." That may be the best lede ever in healthcare journalism
- How Stranger Things got its retro title sequence
I love that the show's creators paid so much attention to detail in developing the show, not just in the story but also in the overall feel of it
- I’m A Doctor. Here’s What I Find Most Concerning About Trump’s Medical Letter
Cosigned. Also, why is the entire block of text bold?
- Olympic spirit, alive and well
Runner helps her competitor finish after they both fall. This stuff makes me teary-eyed
- 4 Data-Backed Strategies For Writing Email Subject Lines That Get Opened
Don't use questions or greetings; do use numbers and title case
- The Daily Beast’s Olympics Grindr stunt is dangerous and unethical.
This is the epitome of "not cool"
- Milton Glaser Analyzes Olympic Logo Design Through the Ages
Milton gets a little sassy, almost as sassy as when he rated beer labels for the New York Times
- How the Bicycle Paved the Way for Women's Rights
Love this.
- Readers sound off on ways to reform medical schools
It's all well and good to incorporate shiny new skills like business administration and digital health into medical school curricula, but they shouldn't take away from the cornerstone of a good clinician: taking a history and performing a physical exam. Newer skills should build upon the foundation, not replace it
- The 1990s PBS Show 'Ghostwriter' Taught Kids to Love Words
"Ghostwriter was a runaway slave 'killed by slave catchers and their dogs as he was teaching other runaway slaves how to read in the woods.'" I had no idea. Also, I didn't realize the show was shot and set in Fort Greene. Muy interesante
- Watch Hillary Clinton Endure 40 Years Of Sexism In Under 3 Minutes
I would hope that asking such overtly sexist questions isn't as acceptable these days, but unfortunately it seems it may be in some circles (i.e., mainstream media)
- Shape-changing metamaterial developed using Kirigami technique
This technology, based on the ancient Japanese art of paper-cutting, is currently being investigated for use in a wheelchair that would shift with the user's weight to provide support (via STAT Morning Rounds)
- President Barack Obama on Feminism, Michelle, and His Daughters
He's such a dad. But, like, the kind of dad who's also your best friend. And the leader of the free world.
- 'Stranger Things': 8 Questions We Still Have
Spoilers within (obv)
- Kate McKinnon Talking About Her Cat
This was necessary.
- You Can Be Anti-Trump Without Slut-Shaming Melania
Yes. I hate how dirty this campaign is, on both sides
- Kate McKinnon on ‘Ghostbusters,’ ‘S.N.L.’ and Hillary Clinton
She's delightful. I love her so much
- The 8 Wokest White People We Know
- The Trans Community of Christopher Street
Striking photos, accompanied by words from Janet Mock
- 'He was trying to kill me': echoes of Brock Turner in another case with same judge
Another example of the infuriating but unsurprising reality that abuse victims tend to be taken less seriously when they are minorities, immigrants, or in a domestic relationship with an abuser. Also, how is this judge still on the bench?!
- New study finds that men are often their own favorite experts on any given subject
"I am surprised," said no one, ever
- Should Doctors Share Their Political Views?
- Milton Glaser Still Hearts New York
On the ubiquity of the logo: “It’s freakish... Also, it’s something I wish people would forget, because I’ve done other things.”
- Web Design in 4 minutes
Nicely done—love the "show, not tell" approach
- April 1992 Interview with Hillary Clinton on Today Show
She gets it, and she always has. I especially love how she doesn't apologize for her "baking cookies" remark, even though Katie Couric totally tries to bait her into doing so
- Winona Ryder, an Emblem of ’90s Cool, Grows Up
Just started Stranger Things. Winona could totally still get it
- Hillary the Pol - The New Yorker
- How to Be Alone: An Antidote to One of the Central Anxieties and Greatest Paradoxes of Our Time
"Curiously, and importantly, mastering the art of solitude doesn’t make us more antisocial but, to the contrary, better able to connect."
- I'm an immigrant and a Muslim. And I'm here to cure cancer
- Hillary Clinton’s interview with the Washington Post on economic policy
Create sustainable jobs for the middle class, invest in clean renewable energy, get rid of insane tax cuts for the top 1%, renegotiate trade agreements
- 'You Have Sacrificed Nothing and No One': The Father of a Muslim American Who Died in Iraq Confronts Trump
Reminds me of my own father (also an immigrant, also a US citizen, also fiercely patriotic, also awkwardly dadly). I cried
- Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life
In this teaser trailer for the upcoming Gilmore Girls reboot on Netflix, Rory has an iPhone; Lorelai wonders if Amy Schumer would like her. Whaaaaaat
- Charles Duhigg's Productivity Tips from Smarter, Faster, Better
"Implementation intention": deciding ahead of time how you're going to procrastinate because by definition, procrastination shouldn't involve making a decision
- Doctors Are Burned Out by Busywork
“The introduction of computers into the examination room has the potential to shift physicians’ focus away from the patient and the human interaction,” the study authors write, “which is a source of meaning for physicians.”
- Let Me Remind You Fuckers Who I Am by Hillary Clinton (parody)
I chuckled heartily (and also... AMEN)
- This all-star animated Little Prince will break your heart
I'm so emotional!! This is one of my favorite stories of all time. Didn't realize it had been pulled from theaters so suddenly and quietly. August 5 on Netflix!
- David Chang’s Unified Theory of Deliciousness
"When you eat something amazing, you don’t just respond to the dish in front of you; you are almost always transported back to another moment in your life."
- Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time
"The core problem with working longer hours is that time is a finite resource. Energy is a different story."
- The cost of taking the USMLE exams is staggering
$3,320 for a US grad, to be exact. And the bigger issue: "The USMLE program does not readily disclose how registration fees are utilized, how leadership is designated or compensated, or what the operating costs are for producing and administering USMLE exams."
- The Real Impact of Campaign Design, According To Obama's Branding Expert
"The reality buried under the scathing tweets and logo-critical bandwagon is that design plays a far more important role in how our leaders are chosen than anyone realizes."
- The Power of Perception and Critical Imagination: Alfred Kazin on Embracing Contradiction and How the Sacredness of Human Attention Shapes Our Reality
Good thoughts on concentration: "...however it is brought into being, true concentration appears — paradoxically — at the moment willed effort drops away."
- The 27 best health and science books to read this summer
For near-future reference
- We're The Superhumans (Rio Paralympics 2016 Trailer)
Nicely done (i.e., I cried)
- Why are doctors plagued by depression and suicide? A crisis comes into focus
One of my medical school classmates killed himself a month after the match. Other than shock, the general sentiment was "we never saw it coming"
- Ten Rules for Negotiating a Job Offer
"Negotiating is a natural and expected part of the process of trying to make a deal. It’s also a signal of competence and seriousness. Companies generally respect candidates who negotiate, and most highly attractive candidates negotiate (if for no other reason, because they often have too many options to choose from)."
- A Peek Inside New York's Subway Redesign Plan
All I want is a real-time tracker on the B/Q
- Review: Hey, Look, 'Ghostbusters' Didn't Kill Feminism
I thought the movie was pretty funny but it's disappointing that it caused so much unnecessary controversy
- Pixel Art to CSS
- Compare Political Typology Groups: Solid Liberals
Took a quiz on political ideologies. Reading the results feels a bit like reading a horoscope
- Lesbian, bisexual women benefit from tailored health plans
"One way to build good relationships with lesbian and bisexual female patients, researchers said, was to take a healthy-at-any-size approach... 'We found a group of obese women whose blood sugar was fine, cholesterol was fine, and their triglycerides and blood pressure were all in normal ranges.'"
- Deaf Girl Trains Hearing-Impaired Puppy to Understand Sign Language
I'm crying.
- Fainting Goats
Current mood: narcoleptic goat
- Why Do More Black Women Die of Breast Cancer? A Study Aims to Find Out
- Philando Castile Is Remembered By St. Paul Public Schools: 'Kids Loved Him'
- What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team
Psychological safety matters, and people need to believe they are in a safe space in order to maximize productivity